Killap's patch and traveling speed

Dick Johnson

First time out of the vault
With Killap's patch is the traveling speed as fast as it was originally meant to be or something different? I have noticed that several people complained that encounters are too frequent.

Basically, what am I supposed to do? Do I have to choose between normal traveling speed and bug fixes?
Yeah, thanks a lot.

Anyway, the Q&A of Killap's patch says that you have manually change the lines and "experiment until it is right". But how am I supposed to know which value is right? I certainly don't remember the correct speed.
The question is whether Killap's changes the traveling speed to what it is supposed to originally be or if the speed is actually slower.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the encounter rate is slowed down by default. People like me with Win98 machines are getting increasingly rare. There is some discussion on this hidden in the patch sticky which can perhaps be found by searching. Also,


Edit: I think I see what you mean now. I don't know if there's an objective means of measuring the "true" encounter rate - apparently there's an entire spectrum of travel speeds depending on your machine.
xu said:
Download the encounter booster and forget about it.

Unfortunately I can't. Does the encounter booster override Killap and more importantly, does it change the speed to the original version?
Traveling speeds can easily be edited with my patch/expansion. If things more too slowly on the world map then you can edit this by going into the ddraw.ini file. Just read the readme of my patch.

As for the number of encounters, I initially had a setting that some people deemed too frequent. I lowered this setting and haven't had complaints since. If you are dissatisfied with the number of encounters, it too can be modified.

Just install the patch and see for yourself what the speeds and frequencies are like.
killap said:
Traveling speeds can easily be edited with my patch/expansion. If things more too slowly on the world map then you can edit this by going into the ddraw.ini file. Just read the readme of my patch.

As for the number of encounters, I initially had a setting that some people deemed too frequent. I lowered this setting and haven't had complaints since. If you are dissatisfied with the number of encounters, it too can be modified.

Just install the patch and see for yourself what the speeds and frequencies are like.

I understand that it can me modified and that is the problem. I don't know what is the right speed or the frequency. I want the *original* speed not something I, or someone else, set up by guessing.
Dick Johnson said:
I understand that it can me modified and that is the problem. I don't know what is the right speed or the frequency. I want the *original* speed not something I, or someone else, set up by guessing.
I understand that. The readme of my patch/expansion outlines how the value can be changed to make it slower, faster, or return it to normal (original) speeds.

The question I have is what you are after. You must understand that with modern machines you will notice that you fly across the world map. This is because the devs had travel speed depend on CPU clock speed (not smart) and thus the faster the cpu, the faster you move. Thus, if you install the game without my patch you will see that it is way too fast. This is one half of the problem. The next is that because you move so fast, you don't have any encounters since you don't really have enough time to. Thus the encounter rate has to be increased.

In any event, here is how to make the frequency return to the default values. Go to \Fallout2\data\Data and find a file called worldmap.txt

The values you want are near the top. The default 1.02 values are as follows:

Forced=100%        ; This shouldn't change
Frequent=38%       ; Was 9/3d6
Common=22%         ; Was 8/3d6
Uncommon=12%       ; Was 6/3d6
Rare=4%            ; Was 5/3d6
None=0%            ; This shouldn't change

Next, if you want travel speed to return to default 1.02 speeds, then you must go into the ddraw.ini file found in your Fallout 2 directory. Scroll down to "WorldMapDelay=16777216" and change it to "WorldMapDelay=0"
Dick Johnson said:
I understand that it can me modified and that is the problem. I don't know what is the right speed or the frequency. I want the *original* speed not something I, or someone else, set up by guessing.
There is no single 'original speed'. The world map speed on fallout depends entirely on the speed of your processor.

If you want to get the speed that you would have with just fallout and no mods/patches installed, just set WorldMapDelay to whatever killap's readme tells you to. (Presumably 0, possibly 1.)

Edit: Bah. Too slow...
Per said:
People like me with Win98 machines are getting increasingly rare.

Very sorry to go off topic, but WOO HOO! I'm not the only one left! :mrgreen:

But while we're on the subject; does the map travel speed affect the amount of fuel the car goes through as well? On my last run through F2 using only the official patch, I recall that I had to refuel the car once near SF and only to half-capacity at that. Even with the car upgrades, that seems a bit off.
In text below I explain problem with encounters and ways how I fix this. If somebody can translate it from russian I'll be appreciative.

Вероятность случайной встречи зависит от времени появления последней случайной встречи. Т.е. во время определённой случайной встречи на карте, в определённую переменную записывается время встречи (результат ф-ии GetTickCount). При следующей встрече значение этой переменной сравнивается с текущем временем и стоит проверка. Если результат мал (меньше 1500), то случайная встреча не происходит. Если прошедшее время достаточно, то тогда уже идёт проверка на вероятность самой встречи. На быстрых же компьютерах цикл передвижения по карте мира выполняется за меньшее количество времении (т.к. производительность ПК выше), а соответственно разница во времени меньше. Но проверка оставалась прежней, а поэтому больше времени проходило между встречами. И чем быстрее ПК - тем больше разница по времени между каждой встречей. В патче 1.2 я уменьшал проверку (не 1500 а меньше). Фактически ошибка в месте, где движёк проверяет чтобы случайные встречи не происходили слишком часто. Если уменьшить время, которое стоит при проверке - баланс не будет нарушен, но случайные встречи будут происходть чаще. Т.к. мы влияем не на вероятность встречи, а на ограничитель, который не играет значительной роли. Реализацию см. в патче (ссылка ниже)

Now I work at sfall modification wich include my Worldmap Patch. In this version I'll fix encounters problem without any options for encounters rate (just loop delay).
Alray said:
In text below I explain problem with encounters and ways how I fix this. If somebody can translate it from russian I'll be appreciative.

I hope this will do:

The probability of a random encounter depends on the time of the occurrence of the previous random encounter. During the random encounter, a certain variable is set to the time of the encounter (this is the result of a GetTickCount function). During next encounter the value of this variable is being compared to current time (check is being made). If the result is small (less that 1500), than the random encounter doesn't occure. If enought time has passed, than the check for the probability of the encounter is being made.

On fast computers the cycle for travelling on the world map is being completed in a shorter time interval (because the computer's performace is higher), and consequently the time difference is less. But the check is still the same, therefore more time passes between encounters. The faster is the PC - the greater is the time difference between each encounter.

In patch 1.2 I reduced the check condition (less then 1500). The error is in the place where the engine checks for random encounters not to occure too often. If the time difference checked in condition will be reduced - the balance will not be broken, but the random encounters will occure more often, because we affect not the probability of the encounter, but the limiter, which doesn't play significant role. The details of the realization are in the patch (see link below).