Killap's UO Patch + RP + Save game Converter = Game Crash


First time out of the vault
Hi there!

I have a problem with my game. I've been playing fallout 2 for a long time, I'm a big fan of it, Fallout 1 & 2 is my absolute favorite games!
Anyway, I bought the game collection from GSP, with Fallout 1 & 2 and Fallout Tactics, and I've been playing for a while without patching it, because I haven't thought of it. It's the US version btw. Anyway to the point,

I recently installed Killap's unofficial patch and his Restoration Project.
And when i did that, i wanted to continue playing on my save games that i had when my game wasn't patched, and i knew that i wouldn't be able to because it's another version, killap's is 1.02 and mine was the old one 1.00, so i downloaded the save game converter and thought that i could convert them and continue playing the game on my recent save games.

But whenever i try to load those save games, the game crashes and gives me this.

"The instruction at 004d11db referenced memory at 00000010. The memory could not be read from. Click OK to terminate the application."

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit. And I've tried to run everything as an admin and in compatibility mode. But it still doesn't work.

Please help, I've been looking around here on the forum and i haven't found any post about someone who would have the same problem. I mean it doesn't really matter if i can't fix it, cause then I'll just start a new game. Because I've played through the game so many times before, and discovered the secrets and so on. So it really doesn't matter but it would be nice to not have to play through it again because I've completed a lot in the game. I also play with cheats at the moment because i can't be bothered to play through the game again without it.

I've already completed the game without cheats before. But as i said, I can't be bothered to play without it right now.

Thx in advance!

// Rick.
I don't know about the save game conversion (though i suspect it won't work), but what i do know is that Killap's unofficial patch is already included in the restoration project, and installing both is not recommended.
Re: Killap's UO Patch + RP + Save game Converter = Game Cras

Rashi said:
I recently installed Killap's unofficial patch and his Restoration Project.
And when i did that, i wanted to continue playing on my save games that i had when my game wasn't patched, and i knew that i wouldn't be able to because it's another version, killap's is 1.02 and mine was the old one 1.00, so i downloaded the save game converter and thought that i could convert them and continue playing the game on my recent save games.
The savegame converter may work with the official 1.02 patch but not with the Restoration Project. It is not, under any circumstances, possible to use old savegames with the Restoration Project. You have to start over.
Also, this is in the wrong forum.
Oh ok well thx alot guys. So i don't have to install Killap's UO Patch? I just need to install the Restoration Project? And the killap's UO patch will be included in the RP ?

Anyway thanks a bunch guys! :)