killed civilian and became an initiate again, but found an a

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I left the bunker for the 3rd mission, on the way I encountered some civilians. I just wanted to kill them :) and did so. I found a Neostread Shotgun (I think this gun is really superb for the 3rd mission) but I became an initiate again (I was senior-initiate).
I've got a saved game in the bunker. What do you think I have to do: return to the old saved game or continue with this nice shotgun??
RE: killed civilian and became an initiate again, but found

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-05-01 AT 09:17PM (GMT)[p]You've got two options:

In further levels (especially in the mutie levels) you'll suffer big time since you'll lack the Metal Armor Mark II.. You'll get it from the mission before, which I suppose you'll use to equipt your main character, however, to equipt your all recruits with MAM2, you NEED to be in a higher rank within the Brotherhood..

On the other hand, you'll be able to pass about three missions quite easily with the rifle you've got, but I warn you: you may experience problems in the further missions, in which you'll need more technologies and more powerful recruits..

In other words, think long-term... You'll get many of that later on anyway, just have the fun of using AK47 and the Hunting Rifle for a while..

Dismissed :)
RE: killed civilian and became an initiate again, but found

You don't have to choose.

Reload your old save when you were a Senior Initiate. Wander around the squares touching Bunker Alpha until you encounter Civilians.

The females are all carrying Neosteads and shotgun shells. Wait til one stops and steal from her (this takes some timing) and try to steal the shotgun shells. Chances are, you'll fail.

Next, steal from the same girl again. This time you should see the Neostead on her list, in addition to the shells you failed to steal. Steal the shotgun now.

I'm fairly certain you can kill -one- civilian without suffering a rank or rep drop, since I ended up just killing a girl to get one and didn't suffer from it.

Keep trying, but don't settle for rank penalties.

RE: killed civilian and became an initiate again, but found

I have a suggestion. You no need to kill any civillian at all to lose any rank. Just find random encounters that having civillian being attack by raiders or others. When the civillian is killed. You can pick the remain of what they have. You also can kill those raiders or whatever to gain exp.

That all
RE: killed civilian and became an initiate again, but found

OD'ing them also works.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: killed civilian and became an initiate again, but found

U can find them after ur 1st mission, which makes the 1t part of the game (up to best lords) really easy