Klamath Vertibird Game Crash


First time out of the vault
Heya guys,

I've played Fallout over and over many times and gave it to my friend to play. He has Windows XP on a brand new assembled comp (7800 GT PCI express, 2 gigs ram, athlon 64 2.4 GHz, etc etc etc). Game used to crash on start-up, but the 1.02 patch fixed that. It now runs, but the game crashes when he tries to visit the Vertibird crash area in Klamath. It produces an 'application error' and closes to the desktop. That's about it. I somehow remember this crash from before but have no idea what to do with it as I haven't played in a couple of years.

Help? I tried searching but didn't find anything, partially because it's called the "vertibird crash area" (the word crash already being there).

I have the UK version btw.
I've got a similiar problem too. Except it doesn't happend to me in the vertibard crash place, it just happends randomly sometimes.

Sorry that I can't help you :(