L4D 2


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Just picked this up today, so if anybody here wants to kill zombies with me, look me up on steam. My username there is "Yewni" and I also play a lot of TF2.
Let's get a list started for Xbox 360 players as well. My gamertag is (you're gonna laugh) Vault101. I don't know how I got it first before anyone else, but there you go. Vault13 was taken anyway.

The Passing was really short, wasn't it? I got through it in 30 minutes on Advanced. Also, the L4D 1 survivors didn't have that big of a role in it. They yell at you in the beginning and yell at you in the end.
rcorporon said:
Cool... Free stuff is always awesome.
I paid 12.50 for it, because Microsoft is full of greedy misers. Fucking PoS computer that can only runs games from 2006.
I'll definitely play. I just sent you a request over Steam rcorporon.

That and I agree Oaktable, The Passing felt a bit empty/fast at parts. You get yelled at by Zoey, run through some shops, run through some sewer, get yelled at by the rest of the survivors, find the gas cans, done. Overall it was still fun and I can't really complain, since it was free for PC.
Played tonight with a few of the guys here (generalissimofurioso and Hoxie I think) and it was a blast. Lots of zombies died, and not many of us did.

If anybody else wants in, please just send me a message on Steam.
Would love to play some L4D2 with people that aren't the usual l33tt4rd... When's the next session?
I brought L4D2, installed it and then didn't play it.
Would like join some peepls here but I'm currently playing Serious Sam: SE instead.
Yeah, I'll be around too.

Got invited to a party, but I only knew a couple people and I have a fucking intolerance for strangers.

Shit, I shouldn't have had those White Russians.
The Mutations are neat, it's good to mix up the gameplay once in a while.

But yeah, Rcorp and Furioso, I'm up for some more L4D2 or whatever else tonight, just send me an invite whenever.
Another great session!! Had a blast playing... if anybody else wants in, let me know... it'll be nice to fire up some all friends vs. with you guys if we get the chance.