Laser dismemberment, no laser ash piles, and pulse weapons

your evil twin

It Wandered In From the Wastes
On the Fallout 3 Nexus forums I have posted a topic in the requests section, thought the forum-goers here might also like a look, you might like to make futher suggestions.

Basically, I want to make it so that most normal guns can't dismember limbs/heads, and restrict that to just bladed weapons (sword/ripper etc) and also laser weapons, since in the original Fallout games lasers could slice enemies in half.

I've also suggested using SirSmokesALot's "Alien Rifle" model as the basis for a Fallout 2 style Pulse Rifle in Fallout 3. Then just the pulse rifle (and the alien blaster) would have the "ash pile" effect, and lasers could have that removed and only dismember people.

I'd love to hear suggestions to do with weapon balance (power of the weapon, who to give pulse rifles to, whether it should use its own ammo or microfusion ammo like in Fallout 2). I suggested giving pulse rifles their own pulse ammo, and giving the weapons to the Enclave and a few Brotherhood soldiers. I also suggested giving normal plasma rifles to some high level Super Mutants.
Oh wow cool! That's pretty awesome.

Do lasers dismember enemies, or have you just removed the ash-pile effect? If they don't have ash piles, they should most definately do dismembering. Lasers were all about slicing people in two in the old fallout games. :)

Then all we need is for someone to use the "Alien Rifle" mod to give Enclave pulse rifles that turn people to ash, and give some plasma weapons and lasers to super mutants, and we'll have a good selection of differently behaved energy weapons in Fallout 3. :)
The ash piles are removed, so they only dismember. I haven't changed the alien weapons though. Turning people to ash should be easily doable; I recall a mod in Oblivion that allowed fire magic to burn people to a charred corpse, and it shouldn't be hard to script an alternate model.
Once again, I want to thank you for this mod. Given you a rating of 10! :clap: This makes the gameplay far less silly, while still allowing the occasional bit of awesome violence.

Little bit of extra feedback:
I just noticed you removed head/limb explosions from assault rifles. While they certainly shouldn't sever heads, it might be nice if they still exploded them. I recall in old Fallout 1 and 2 the gore effects for a critical hit with a burst-fire weapon like an assault rifle could be pretty gruesome and I think actually did include the head exploding.

Oh, and plasma weapons should be able to explode limbs. Given that their critical is to melt an entire person to goo (!), I think it's quite reasonable that they can make a head or limb explode.

What would be really awesome is if the Bloody Mess "torso explosion" could be given to some extreme powered weapons like plasma weapons. Imagine that - you blast someone with plasma rifle, either they melt into goo or they completely explode!

However, I'm not sure it is possible to give Bloody Mess effects as damage effects to specific weapons, it may only occur in relation to the Bloody Mess perk.

You do mention that the flamer used to have ability to gib enemies on a critical, though. Do you mean just the normal head/limb explosion effect, or a full body gib? I've never seen that! If it is a full body gib effect (the Bloody Mess torso explosion?) maybe that gib effect could be given to plasma weapons. (Without scrapping the plasma melt effect, of course.)

I've never actually seen the "torso explosion" - I haven't tried the Bloody Mess perk, and the videos on youtube just show the "full dismemberment" death where all the limbs fall off, which looks pretty stupid. :roll:

What would be REALLY awesome would be if certain weapons could have different percentage chances of exploding limbs, so while assault rifles would have a measly 10% chance of exploding limbs, plasma rifles would have a 100% chance of exploding stuff (either you melt or explode, no wimpy falling over dead from 1000 degree plasma).

But, I strongly suspect that giving different weapons percent chances of gibbing/severing/etc is actually IMPOSSIBLE, since there is a global variable for the percent chance of severing or exploding, so that why I haven't requested that. :P

EDIT: Actually, don't worry about it, cause I'm learning how to use the GECK and do this kind of stuff myself. :) I'll be sure to give you credit for the stuff you did. Investigating the changes you've made is what is teaching me how to use the GECK!
Thanks for the feedback. I haven't found an individual percentage for dismembering/gibbing, so I'm not sure if it's possible. The flamer critical is a full body gib (much like the Bloody Mess effect) but each weapon seems to only have one value for the critical effect, so adding both to the Plasma weapons might be difficult. You might have better luck than me though.
Yeah, taking a look in the GECK it does appear that I would have to choose between the flamer critical "body exploding" and plasma melting. And there's no way I can give up the fantastic plasma melting. ;)

Of course, maybe someone really brilliant could do a mod that added that body exploding as one of the dismemberment options, heh.

Alternatively, maybe I could make it the critical for lasers. It's a bit over the top, but still less silly than a laser vaporising a person. ;)
From what I saw already, it's probably possible to do both : just use a script or enchantment giving 50% that the effect happens, and then 50/50 for which one. It's even possible to have it in one enchantment for every weapon (and including bloody mess, which should have only effect those percentages) It's a lot of work though