So, I've been thinking of buying myself a 21" TFT monitor. I like the idea of having it sit on the back of my desk leaving space in front of the screen for my beer and various gaming items, especially maps for WoW. I can then also crank up the resolution more and see around corners better when ganking.
Problem is that most reviews I've seen demonstrate that LCD displays have lower color contrast, less color fidelity and suffer from resolution issues. The 17" CRT I have now renders WoW and HOI2 brilliantly; but it's big, heavy, and doesn't give me alot of room between my keyboard and the screen, which means I actually have to lean back to keep from going bugeyed when gaming, adding extra strain to my wrists and chair.
So all bellyaching aside, I'm looking for succinct input on whether it's worth splurging on a 21" TFT display or if I should spend that capital on something else.
Problem is that most reviews I've seen demonstrate that LCD displays have lower color contrast, less color fidelity and suffer from resolution issues. The 17" CRT I have now renders WoW and HOI2 brilliantly; but it's big, heavy, and doesn't give me alot of room between my keyboard and the screen, which means I actually have to lean back to keep from going bugeyed when gaming, adding extra strain to my wrists and chair.
So all bellyaching aside, I'm looking for succinct input on whether it's worth splurging on a 21" TFT display or if I should spend that capital on something else.