Leaked Star Wars Episode III Footage

King of Creation

Vault Fossil
If anyone likes Star Wars, you're gonna want to see this video. According to TheForce.net , the video was leaked to the net when some screener material was sent to the marketing department.
Well, here' the link


EDIT: Apparently, you need a user name and password to get access to that file. I'll try and find an alternate link, but if anyone else does in the meantime, post it!

EDIT: Go here
I'm a regular user on TF.N's fourms and I can say that it seems to be real, all of the persons that have it think its for real.
Well, the screen shots certainly look very real
However, I'd really like to see the video!
So if you could get your pals on TF.N to send you the vid or post a link or something, that'd be splendid!
Only a few have it, it seems, and they are now denying it on the boards, since admiting having it gets your PM inbox flooded with PMs asking for it.

There IS also a small vid showing the EP3 set, and you can just barley see someone in black armour.

Gimme a minuite and I can post the link, I just have to find it again.
Heres the link for what appears to be a shot of a vader suit guy.


And ignore the link I posted, its jst a se veral second clip from the video, but it DOES show that Vadey will be seen in his suit in Ep3
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]it DOES show that Vadey will be seen in his suit in Ep3

Er.. If Lord Vader wouldn't show up in his suit in ep3, it would really suck.

All hail eps IV-VI.