

First time out of the vault
I have recently started programming a game engine that is currently using the fallout tactics artwork. Could I still be sued if the engine is released for free and does not include the artwork? An example would be an installer that asks for your fallout tactics directory to load content from. If so, and anyone is interested, id love to share the details of the project and its progress.
I think the guys making Shelter were doing the same thing until they decided to have their own artwork, you might want to ask them. It sounds good to me and i've seen other projects do this but i'm no lawyer.

Give us some details on your project
If you're not distributing anything that's copyrighted, then there's nothing illegal about it. They may not like it, but that's a different matter entirely.

I'd say just go ahead and distribute whatever you want from them, but I'm a bit biased.
In addition to Timeslips post: Don't ask Bethesda if you are allowed to do this, because they will (just in case) say no to 100%.
Id make my own artwork but I have neither the manpower nor the skill and time to create all that. When I extracted the data from the spr files i found some sprites contained over 37k frames!

As for them not liking it, I'm sure interplay would like anything that could possibly get someone to buy one of their older games. Since Bethesda owns the rights and doesn't want interplay to have any income they would certainly say no. I really don't like that company.

The plans for the project is a proper mmo fallout tactics. One of the best times I ever had playing that game was playing the demo in clan matches. (yep, clans for a demo) It was well balanced and tactical. The release of fallout tactics was anything but tactical because of drugs, character design flaws and multiple other issues. One major factor I would include is a dynamic world. IE, rockets and explosives blowing up actual game geometry. The game would revolve around salvage and turf wars aswell as instanced areas. Some of the ideas I have to make this more interesting is that the quality of salvaged goods in an area would depend on the difficulty of the npcs in the area and the time since it was last cleaned out by another player. The best places to find loot would be the hardest and rarely revisited. I have thought alot about the stat system and how to offer player unit progression aswell as maintaining balance. One of the major factors is that HP will not scale with progression and will be defined by the base stats of that unit which cannot change.

From a tech standpoint, Im going with an opengl renderer, physX for collision detection and projectile physics. (proper grenades!) and Ive already implemented a quite wonderful GUI with angelscript. The major things yet to do is get my netcode working better and make much much better mapping tools then what designers had to use to make fallout tactics maps. My hope is that the time required to create maps is drastically reduces such that i can either manually create a large world, or procedurally create a massive one with instanced manually made sections.
IndependentHat said:
As for them not liking it, I'm sure interplay would like anything that could possibly get someone to buy one of their older games.
You're making the mistake at looking at things through a perspective of common sense. :P

Remember that interplay is a corporate entity, with all the lawyerage that entails. They will not like it simply because the thought of someone using any assets without months of negotiations, a few dozen pages of signed documents and the changing of hands of several million dollars will be so completely alien to them. (And also because they see it as the start of a slippery slope; somehow letting someone use preinstalled asserts will end up letting the whole world make money off them.)

But yes, to echo lexx, never ever ask bethesda anything. They will say no regardless of whether it's in their best interests or not. (Anyone remember their response when the obvlivion unofficial patch authors offered them all their documentation and work to aid in the next official patch? That was hilarious...) I've no experience of how bad interplay is, (at least this way around; I know exactly how much they respect they don't have when the situation is reversed,) but I would be very surprised if they didn't behave in exactly the same way.
Lexx said:
In addition to Timeslips post: Don't ask Bethesda if you are allowed to do this, because they will (just in case) say no to 100%.

They did allowed the recreation of Fallout 1 through Fallout 3 via mod.

But still, first learn if the artwork is copyrighted, and if yes, then by who. After this, you could or could not ask the company than owns them (if any).

Or simply go ahead and don't care about copyright - many modders do this, and I don't think any of them faced any consequences for doing so. At least, there are a lot mods that use Fallout Tactics graphics (including the Megamod). I don't think any of them checked whether they are doing something illegal or not.