And what's up with the fluidity anyway? I mean, is it just too pussy to be solid at any temperature above 0°? And when it GETS solid, all it does is become slippery and shit.
And what's the feckin' use of water anyway? Oh yeah, to wash yourself... Wel woo-hoo! Fuckin' pantsy ass! REAL men don't wash themselves! It's all about feromones, ya dig? The chicks love a stinkin' man!
And most of the times, water's just plain ANNOYING! I mean, do you recognize the situation where you spend about THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES trying to get your hair into the right position, and then when you go out, WATER comes falling out of the sky, COMPLETELY messing your hair up! Like FUCK yo!
Water SUCKX yo!
JJ86 said:
Fish washing up on the beach.
Dude, that's some sweet stuff right there. Are you into poetry or something? Because, you know, that shit is DEEP man!
But what does it symbolize? Maybe a bad childhood, when all kids were picking on you, and you felt like you were in a world where you didn't belong? You know, like that fish just doesn't belong on the shore man!
Or maybe it was your parents kicking you out of the house, and you ending up in a world that you just weren't prepared to face? You know, like a fish doesn't have ANY longs, so it just can't breathe on the shore man!
Or maybe it was a failed marriage? You know, that as long as you were married, you felt like a FISH in the WATER (dig it?); but then when it ended, you felt like that entire world was ripped away from you...
I mean, that little phrase right there has SO many dimensions man, it's soooooo freakin' deep! Whoa! Blows my mind!
JJ86 said:
Dirty underwear in a clothes hamper.
Yeah dude, I've been there. You mean those nice, cute white underpants that have those BIG DAMN BROWN scidmarks in them? Oh yeah, that's some serious shit.
I mean, what are you to do then, heh? Take it to the laundry maybe? HELL NO! Just *imagine* that cute blonde chicks with the big boobies you always stand next to in the laundry salon seeing that BIG FREAKIN' scidmark on your underpants... WHOA! Like, you'll never get your hands on her titties after that man!
Then what? Washing it yourself, at home maybe? LIKE FUCK NO! The last time you tried to wash something at home, it came out all PINK and stuff man! And like, that was the only friggin' shirt I had left man! DUDE, I like NEVAH want to have ALL those big nigga's hitting on me like that again! WHOA! Like that was a baaaad friggin' day!
But what's left then? Bringing it home for momma to wash? LIKE HELL NO! Then she'll be all like 'oooooooh, that's so fuckin' cute!' all over again man, and start squeezing your cheecks all over again man! And telling about it on family reunions to all of your relatives... LIKE FUCK MAN! THAT'S NO FUNNY SHIT!
So what do you do then, huh? LIKE, WHAT DO YOU DO THEN, HUH?
Duuuuuuuude, that's some deep shit man!