Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them


Is this a topic or a random thought?

It did have a clear point. He was commenting on how "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" changed his political opinions.
So he mentions the title of the book in the thread name.

Then he says the guy is a genius. And that he's rethinking his views now. And provides a link about something else.

Nice to hear, but it doesn't really tell me anything, and it's not really a clear starting point for discussion. I WANT QUALITY!
Wow. That piece of reading was great, welsh. Thanks. Hrmph. Another reason to hate Bush. Ah well....

And another book for my reading list. *adds Al Franken*
OOh, oooh, let me do a kwazy charades post like CCR:


Fish washing up on the beach.

Dirty underwear in a clothes hamper.

Ok, discuss please.
Constipated Crap Runner.

Speaking in crap and dabbling in running.

Running Crap. Diarrhea dribbling off your chin. Spouting bullshit and facts based on your dad's bookshelf.

Bizarro world. Bookshelves full of toilet-paper lining the library of shitty opinions. Toilet paper trodden underfoot like your head. Your squashy head.

Squashy head washing up on beach. Dirty underwear squirting from every orfice.

Orfices full of poo. Poo full of orfices. Inside those orfices are more poo with more orfices. And at the very last orfice at the end of infity sits ccr, masturbating.

Pretty funy. But I thought this was fairly clear.

Anyway, for the record it is not my intention to make pretentious posts. Next time Ill have links to what I am talking about, mmmmkay?

And I actually like Franken alot. I think he suffers a bit from Micael Moore asshole syndrome sometimes (for instance, why does he always start a conversation with an insult towards a conservative? I thought he actually deserved that "Fuck you" from Wolfowitz, and he is wrong about "clinton's military" too)
JJ86 said:

I've always thought that HAD to be the most fuckin' overrated element of them all, dude! I mean, what's up with that shit man? Just a damn bunch of molecules consisting of Hydrogen and Oxigen. Big fucking deal man!

And what's up with the fluidity anyway? I mean, is that shit just too feckin' pussy to be solid at any temperature above 0°? And when it GETS solid, all it does is become slippery and shit man! I mean like: GET REAL MAN!

And what's the feckin' use of water anyway? Oh yeah, to wash yourself... Wel woo-hoo! Fuckin' pantsy ass! REAL men don't wash themselves! It's all about feromones, ya dig? The chicks love a stinkin' man, ya dig?

And most of the times, water's just plain ANNOYING! I mean, do you recognize the situation where you spend about THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES trying to get your hair into the right position (to score ya some nice hunnies, if ya know what I'm sayin'), and then when you go out, WATER comes falling out of the sky, COMPLETELY messing your hair up! Like FUCK yo!

Water SUCKX yo!

JJ86 said:
Fish washing up on the beach.

Dude, that's some sweet stuff right there. Are you into poetry or something? Because, you know, that shit is DEEP man!

But what's it all about man? Maybe a bad childhood, when all them rotten kids were picking on you, and you felt like you were in a world where you didn't belong? You know, like that fish just doesn't belong on the shore man!
Or maybe it was your parents kicking you out of the house, and you ending up in a world that you just weren't prepared to face? You know, like a fish doesn't have ANY longs and shit man, so it just can't breathe on the shore you know?!
Or maybe it was a failed marriage? You know, that as long as you were married, you felt like a FISH in the WATER (dig it?); but then when it ended, you felt like that entire world was ripped away from you...

I mean, that little phrase right there has SO many dimensions man, it's soooooo freakin' deep! Whoa! Blows my mind!

JJ86 said:
Dirty underwear in a clothes hamper.

Yeah dude, I've been there. You mean those nice, cute white underpants that have those BIG DAMN BROWN scidmarks in them? Oh yeah, that's some serious shit.

I mean, what are you to do then, heh? Take it to the laundry maybe? HELL NO! Just *imagine* that cute blonde chicks with the big titties you always stand next to in the laundry salon seeing that BIG FREAKIN' scidmark on your underpants... WHOA! Like, you'll never get your hands on her titties after that man!

Then what? Washing it yourself, at home maybe? LIKE FUCK NO! The last time you tried to wash something at home, it came out all PINK and stuff man! And like, that was the only friggin' shirt I had left man! DUDE, I like NEVAH want to have ALL those big nigga's on the streetz hitting on me like that again! WHOA! Like that was a baaaad friggin' day!

But what's left then? Bringing it home for momma to wash? LIKE HELL NO! Then she'll be all like 'oooooooh, that's so fuckin' cute!' all over again man, and start squeezing your cheecks all over again, like you were nothing like some punk ass kid, if ya know what I'm sayin'! And telling about it on family reunions to all of your relatives and shit like that... LIKE FUCK MAN! THAT'S NO FUNNY SHIT!

So what do you do then, huh? LIKE, WHAT DO YOU DO THEN, HUH? LIKE WHAT, DUDE?!

Duuuuuuuude, that's some deep shit man!
Jebus said:
Amusing, a quote within a quote where you haven't even said anything. Both of your names begin with J as well which is pretty weird huh? What are the chances? 26 to 1? Those are pretty slim, both of you even managed to talk about water or similair too.

I've always thought
Amazing. I haven't always thought anything really. Mabye thought for a long time, if time even exists. I've had an opinion on certain subjects for a long 'time' though, such as thoughts in general. How are they formed eh? Wacky things. To think about thoughts you have to think, which is simiair to the thread title, the liars who lying liars lie down with the wolf and sheep Pretty intresting.

that HAD to be the most
I wouldn't have the opinion that something ever is, how can we ever be certain? Espeacially on water, it is a funny old element. Sometimes it's wet, othertimes it's cold. Most of the time it's water. What's waters use anyway? Fishes? Underwear? Fire? FUF. Eff yu Eff. Friend of the Urban forest apparently. Forests have a lot to do with fire and underwear. Not sure about fishes, I'll have to consult my consultant.

overrated element of them all.
All huh? You seem pretty certain on that. Similair to how you're certain that we're even talking about water. Perhaps it's a metaphor for human existence or mabye even more important things like existence in general or mabye water. Perhaps. Mabye not. The important thing is in such discussions is to keep a clear head and remember the subject at hand. Whatever it is.

I mean, what is it really
A mix of protons, neutrons and electrons. Or so we're told. Perhaps it's the juice of god squirting from some kind of genital. If god even exists. Does water even exist? Fire doesn't. Sometimes. Where the heck is fire on the periodic table? Where's thunder? Earth? If the Greeks had that stuff why can't scientists of today have it eh? So 'water' must be pretty damn important.

Just a big bunch of molecules consisting of Hydrogen and Oxigen.
Molecules or...SMALL PARTICLES?!

Big deal!
I suppose it matters how big you are. Or if you're talking about water or how important it is. Perhaps nothing's a big deal. Perhaps everything is. Who knows?

And what's up with the fluidity anyway? I mean, is it just too pussy to be solid at any temperature above 0°? And when it GETS solid, all it does is become slippery and shit.

And what's the feckin' use of water anyway? Oh yeah, to wash yourself... Wel woo-hoo! Fuckin' pantsy ass! REAL men don't wash themselves! It's all about feromones, ya dig? The chicks love a stinkin' man!

And most of the times, water's just plain ANNOYING! I mean, do you recognize the situation where you spend about THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES trying to get your hair into the right position, and then when you go out, WATER comes falling out of the sky, COMPLETELY messing your hair up! Like FUCK yo!

Water SUCKX yo!

JJ86 said:
Fish washing up on the beach.

Dude, that's some sweet stuff right there. Are you into poetry or something? Because, you know, that shit is DEEP man!

But what does it symbolize? Maybe a bad childhood, when all kids were picking on you, and you felt like you were in a world where you didn't belong? You know, like that fish just doesn't belong on the shore man!
Or maybe it was your parents kicking you out of the house, and you ending up in a world that you just weren't prepared to face? You know, like a fish doesn't have ANY longs, so it just can't breathe on the shore man!
Or maybe it was a failed marriage? You know, that as long as you were married, you felt like a FISH in the WATER (dig it?); but then when it ended, you felt like that entire world was ripped away from you...

I mean, that little phrase right there has SO many dimensions man, it's soooooo freakin' deep! Whoa! Blows my mind!

JJ86 said:
Dirty underwear in a clothes hamper.

Yeah dude, I've been there. You mean those nice, cute white underpants that have those BIG DAMN BROWN scidmarks in them? Oh yeah, that's some serious shit.

I mean, what are you to do then, heh? Take it to the laundry maybe? HELL NO! Just *imagine* that cute blonde chicks with the big boobies you always stand next to in the laundry salon seeing that BIG FREAKIN' scidmark on your underpants... WHOA! Like, you'll never get your hands on her titties after that man!

Then what? Washing it yourself, at home maybe? LIKE FUCK NO! The last time you tried to wash something at home, it came out all PINK and stuff man! And like, that was the only friggin' shirt I had left man! DUDE, I like NEVAH want to have ALL those big nigga's hitting on me like that again! WHOA! Like that was a baaaad friggin' day!

But what's left then? Bringing it home for momma to wash? LIKE HELL NO! Then she'll be all like 'oooooooh, that's so fuckin' cute!' all over again man, and start squeezing your cheecks all over again man! And telling about it on family reunions to all of your relatives... LIKE FUCK MAN! THAT'S NO FUNNY SHIT!

So what do you do then, huh? LIKE, WHAT DO YOU DO THEN, HUH?

Duuuuuuuude, that's some deep shit man!

megatron said:
Jebus said:
Amusing, a quote within a quote where you haven't even said anything. Both of your names begin with J as well which is pretty weird huh? What are the chances? 26 to 1? Those are pretty slim, both of you even managed to talk about water or similair too.

Like whoa! You've got a real damn good point there man! Like, maybe he's me, but just in another dimension man! WHOA! Like, maybe we have all the same ideas and shit! WHOA! That would be sooooo friggin' cool!
Like, we all know you can do EVERYTHING with tha InTaRNeHt yo dude! Who says you couln't cross dimension with it?! WHOA! Blows my mind!

I've always thought
Amazing. I haven't always thought anything really. Mabye thought for a long time, if time even exists. I've had an opinion on certain subjects for a long 'time' though, such as thoughts in general. How are they formed eh? Wacky things. To think about thoughts you have to think, which is simiair to the thread title, the liars who lying liars lie down with the wolf and sheep Pretty intresting.

YEAH! I've always been wondering about that shit too, man! Like Descartes for instance dude, like 'Cogito sed sum' and all that shit dude! Or how do the Frenchies say it? Oh yeah! 'Je pense donc je suis'... Like, hold it right there man! Like, you THINK you think, but how can you be sure dude? Why do those thoughts come from dude? Like, maybe someone else is thinkin' YOU! Like, maybe those thoughts aren't even yours dude! WHOA! Like, Chucky could make a kick-ass console title out of that man!

that HAD to be the most
I wouldn't have the opinion that something ever is, how can we ever be certain? Espeacially on water, it is a funny old element. Sometimes it's wet, othertimes it's cold. Most of the time it's water. What's waters use anyway? Fishes? Underwear? Fire? FUF. Eff yu Eff. Friend of the Urban forest apparently. Forests have a lot to do with fire and underwear. Not sure about fishes, I'll have to consult my consultant.

Like, yeah man! Like nothin' can ever be certain man! Like I said before, Descartes wasn't right dude! This is like a straaaaaange universe man! Like, I agree with the Locke dude man! How can you be certain what we see it what we see dude? Like, it could be nothin' more than some friggin' impression dude!
And like, you forgot some things about water man, sometimes it's like WARM and shit or COMING OUT OF YOUR FOSSET and shit! Like, WHO PUT THAT WATER IN YOUR FOSSET MAN?! Think about that dude! WHOA!

overrated element of them all.
All huh? You seem pretty certain on that. Similair to how you're certain that we're even talking about water. Perhaps it's a metaphor for human existence or mabye even more important things like existence in general or mabye water. Perhaps. Mabye not. The important thing is in such discussions is to keep a clear head and remember the subject at hand. Whatever it is.

WHOA! Like, we are kindred minds dude! I just told a woman on a bus the SAME freakin' thing, and all she had to say was: 'Get away from me!' Like, WHAT'S UP with people dude?! Can't they get methapors anymore? Like it's like the BASIS of poetry man! JJ86 could NEVAH be able to write the same deep shit if methapors don't exist man! WHOA!

Just a big bunch of molecules consisting of Hydrogen and Oxigen.
Molecules or...SMALL PARTICLES?!

WHOA! Small particles or... MOLECULES man?!

Big deal!
I suppose it matters how big you are. Or if you're talking about water or how important it is. Perhaps nothing's a big deal. Perhaps everything is. Who knows?

Like, YEAH! I mean, if you're like fifty centimers tall or some shit like that, then EVERYTHING is like a big deal yo! I remember walking walkin' on the street with my mom or my dad when I was still a kid, and like DUDE, EVERYTHING was a big deal man! And I just kept on asking my mom stuff like: 'If space is expaning, where does it expand INTO then?' And all my mom had to say then was shit like: 'WHOA! Son! You like blow my mind dude! Don't be askin' me about trivial shit like that dude!'
But you know man, it like WAS a big deal to me then dude!

And what's up with the fluidity anyway? I mean, is it just too pussy to be solid at any temperature above 0°? And when it GETS solid, all it does is become slippery and shit.

And what's the feckin' use of water anyway? Oh yeah, to wash yourself... Wel woo-hoo! Fuckin' pantsy ass! REAL men don't wash themselves! It's all about feromones, ya dig? The chicks love a stinkin' man!

And most of the times, water's just plain ANNOYING! I mean, do you recognize the situation where you spend about THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES trying to get your hair into the right position, and then when you go out, WATER comes falling out of the sky, COMPLETELY messing your hair up! Like FUCK yo!

Water SUCKX yo!

JJ86 said:
Fish washing up on the beach.

Dude, that's some sweet stuff right there. Are you into poetry or something? Because, you know, that shit is DEEP man!

But what does it symbolize? Maybe a bad childhood, when all kids were picking on you, and you felt like you were in a world where you didn't belong? You know, like that fish just doesn't belong on the shore man!
Or maybe it was your parents kicking you out of the house, and you ending up in a world that you just weren't prepared to face? You know, like a fish doesn't have ANY longs, so it just can't breathe on the shore man!
Or maybe it was a failed marriage? You know, that as long as you were married, you felt like a FISH in the WATER (dig it?); but then when it ended, you felt like that entire world was ripped away from you...

I mean, that little phrase right there has SO many dimensions man, it's soooooo freakin' deep! Whoa! Blows my mind!

JJ86 said:
Dirty underwear in a clothes hamper.

Yeah dude, I've been there. You mean those nice, cute white underpants that have those BIG DAMN BROWN scidmarks in them? Oh yeah, that's some serious shit.

I mean, what are you to do then, heh? Take it to the laundry maybe? HELL NO! Just *imagine* that cute blonde chicks with the big boobies you always stand next to in the laundry salon seeing that BIG FREAKIN' scidmark on your underpants... WHOA! Like, you'll never get your hands on her titties after that man!

Then what? Washing it yourself, at home maybe? LIKE FUCK NO! The last time you tried to wash something at home, it came out all PINK and stuff man! And like, that was the only friggin' shirt I had left man! DUDE, I like NEVAH want to have ALL those big nigga's hitting on me like that again! WHOA! Like that was a baaaad friggin' day!

But what's left then? Bringing it home for momma to wash? LIKE HELL NO! Then she'll be all like 'oooooooh, that's so fuckin' cute!' all over again man, and start squeezing your cheecks all over again man! And telling about it on family reunions to all of your relatives... LIKE FUCK MAN! THAT'S NO FUNNY SHIT!

So what do you do then, huh? LIKE, WHAT DO YOU DO THEN, HUH?

Duuuuuuuude, that's some deep shit man!


Like what, it's over already dude? I wast just startin' to have fun getting all deep and shit with you man!
I post therefore I post.

That deep enough? Perhaps we could analyze the number of pixels per word and find patterns in them huh?
megatron said:
I post therefore I post.

That deep enough? Perhaps we could analyze the number of pixels per word and find patterns in them huh?

What we ought to do is find numerical patterns in your post and compare those to numerical patterns in religious texts to determine how evil your posts are.
Sure thing. Though if you consider religion to be a good guide to if something is 'evil' or not, perhaps that's a little silly? Perhaps you could just decide on more modern idols like maths or obscure far-fetched figures that reflect on certain dates or other random numbers perhaps. Biblical passages could be good though, since people can relate to it more than stock-market figures or something.

I have a headache and cut my head. MY BRAIN FELL OUT.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
And I actually like Franken alot. I think he suffers a bit from Micael Moore asshole syndrome sometimes (for instance, why does he always start a conversation with an insult towards a conservative? I thought he actually deserved that "Fuck you" from Wolfowitz, and he is wrong about "clinton's military" too)

Did you see Michael Moore's earlier documentary, Roger & Me about GM and Flint Michigan. Some pretty good stuff there. Considering that he spent three years of his life and had to sell his house make the film, it does speak to his commitment and probably explains why he thinks so poorly of conservatives.
Gwydion said:
megatron said:

We can tell.

I reset that. I am a snowflake or something. One spicy snowflake in a room full of water if you catch my drift. ;)


told u i was hardcore