Lifegiver vs Living A.


First time out of the vault
With endurance set at 4 playing a sniper type, I have always taken living anatomy. With Killaps patch, encounters are tougher though and w/out getting the power armor early (this ruins the game), I am getting destroyed.

I'll have 72 HPs at level 12. Which would you choose? Living anatomy or lifegiver?
Oh, and another thing. I've heard 2 different things on living anatomy. 1) +5 damage added per shot so big bonus for burst weapons. 2) +5 damage added at the end of any attack so not per bullet.
Strike one for repeated double posting. Use the edit button. Also moved.
Sorry, have been using your guides. They are great. Just saying the encounters got tougher with the patch, so I question your value of lifegiver. Every time you lose HPs, your ability to do damage or aim goes down. Fighting 8-9 robbers gets really tuff really fast. So against your guidance, I am going with lifegiver this time.

Also, what do you think about using small frame and then packrat at level 6? Since perks at 6 are kind of useless, why not.
I used to always do that. You lose a small amount of carry weight overall and gain an ag point.
However, really at L6 you'll have a couple of NPCs to mule your gear around so providing to cut your carried gear to a few weapons, a limited amount of ammo and healing gear, and be sure to take ammo from NPCs when you get low, you'll be fine.