First time out of the vault

Hello folks.
I am trying to install the GoG version of Fallout Classic on Linux Mint 18.2 and have encountered a slew of warnings and errors when creating the Wine Prefix and also when running the GoG Fallout installer. Please could you cast an eye over the following and let me know if you think there are any issues that need addressing?
OS : Linux Mint 18.2
Kernel : 4.8.0-58
Fallout Installer : GoG Fallout Classic
File name : setup_fallout_2.1.0.18.exe
Wine Version : 2.0.1 Stable Ubuntu from WineHQ
I was following the instructions on the Installing Fallout + Fallout Fixt on Linux using Wine thread and got the following warnings when making the WINEPREFIX...
When I tried to run the GoG installer it appeared to work perfectly until the very end but then threw errors. The first was a "Runtime Error (at 69:599)" which appeared over the GoG installer GUI. There were a few others and then the installer finished. The terminal window showed the following...
It did appear to complete and I can access the game (albeit at a very strange resolution) so it seems to work so far.
Thoughts? Is there anything I need to do before continuing?
I am trying to install the GoG version of Fallout Classic on Linux Mint 18.2 and have encountered a slew of warnings and errors when creating the Wine Prefix and also when running the GoG Fallout installer. Please could you cast an eye over the following and let me know if you think there are any issues that need addressing?
OS : Linux Mint 18.2
Kernel : 4.8.0-58
Fallout Installer : GoG Fallout Classic
File name : setup_fallout_2.1.0.18.exe
Wine Version : 2.0.1 Stable Ubuntu from WineHQ
I was following the instructions on the Installing Fallout + Fallout Fixt on Linux using Wine thread and got the following warnings when making the WINEPREFIX...
daniel@Caselabs-S8 ~ $ env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/fallout" winecfg
wine: created the configuration directory '/home/daniel/fallout'
le:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {00000131-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
le:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}
le:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x80004002
le:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 80004002
le:get_local_server_stream Failed: 80004002
le:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {00000131-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
le:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}
le:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x80004002
le:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 80004002
le:get_local_server_stream Failed: 80004002
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
wmIsCompositionEnabled 0x6dbd1518
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyIpInterfaceChange (family 0, callback 0x69ebd3de, context 0x9c64c0, init_notify 0, handle 0x12ae1a0): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyIpInterfaceChange (family 0, callback 0x6a0cb608, context 0x938710, init_notify 0, handle 0x116e794): stub
wine: configuration in '/home/daniel/fallout' has been updated.
wine: created the configuration directory '/home/daniel/fallout'










fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.

fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyIpInterfaceChange (family 0, callback 0x69ebd3de, context 0x9c64c0, init_notify 0, handle 0x12ae1a0): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyIpInterfaceChange (family 0, callback 0x6a0cb608, context 0x938710, init_notify 0, handle 0x116e794): stub
wine: configuration in '/home/daniel/fallout' has been updated.
When I tried to run the GoG installer it appeared to work perfectly until the very end but then threw errors. The first was a "Runtime Error (at 69:599)" which appeared over the GoG installer GUI. There were a few others and then the installer finished. The terminal window showed the following...
fixme:sfc:SfcIsFileProtected ((nil), L"C:\\Games\\Fallout\\unins000.exe") stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1014c enable -1: stub!
fixme:gameux:GameExplorerImpl_VerifyAccess (0x6913858, L"C:\\Games\\Fallout\\goggame-1.dll", 0x33d198)
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"ReleaseDate" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Genres" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Version" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Developers" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Publishers" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"GameExecutables" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"ExtendedProperties" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:shell:FolderImpl_Items (0x197788,0x33cf48)
fixme:shell:FolderItemsImpl_get_Count (0x6922260,0x33cf48)
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x1014c enable -1: stub!
fixme:gameux:GameExplorerImpl_VerifyAccess (0x6913858, L"C:\\Games\\Fallout\\goggame-1.dll", 0x33d198)
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"ReleaseDate" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Genres" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Version" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Developers" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"Publishers" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"GameExecutables" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:gameux:GAMEUX_ProcessGameDefinitionElement entry L"ExtendedProperties" in Game Definition File not yet supported
fixme:shell:FolderImpl_Items (0x197788,0x33cf48)
fixme:shell:FolderItemsImpl_get_Count (0x6922260,0x33cf48)
It did appear to complete and I can access the game (albeit at a very strange resolution) so it seems to work so far.
Thoughts? Is there anything I need to do before continuing?