Linux VS Windows


Still Mildly Glowing
Is anyone else using Linux here?

Recently I switched and I can't switch back (no exception from Murphy's Law) without great loss of time.

Should I switch back or wait for a stable upgrade to come? Which system is better?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Discuss (I've always wanted to say that 8) ).
Linux is more stable, but less user-friendly, IMO. If you want to play games though, I'd suggest Windows (even if XP is retarded when it comes to that).
Linux pwns Windows. The only reason why I don't have Linux installed, is that this isn't my PC. Damnit. Need my own PC.

You can play games with Linux as well, as long as you use a Windows Emulator like Wine ( ).

EDIT: And this says it all (don't remember where I picked up this quote): Linux is just as user friendly as Windows is, it just chooses who to be friends with.
I use WindowsXP and Fedora core1 on my machine, the problem with windows is the way it handles memory, the freaking registry, and it`s made to facilitate payed software, while it`s the OS for games and it is more stable than the average linux distro. Linux wins in stability and security on the server side, but as a desktopOS it still needs some time to be more mature. Still only my scanner doens`t work on linux, so they are on the right track. I just wished they would find a better system than rpm`s to install stuff, and that NVidia would stop forcing us to manually edit a config to put the drivers working. And Wine only really works with old games (like Fallout).

The great advantage of Linux in general is the ammount of free and very good software that is made to that OS.
Personally, I have been offered Linux by 1337 h4x0r5 because it supposedly is the OS that owns. I find no reason to switch to Linux. Maybe for other people its the Da Bomb but for me, its not worth the efforth (sp?).
Let's face it, when it push comes to shove linux rules, especially on the server part, and they are improving it! Besides it's free! And from what I hear Windows updates are not going to be available on the net for much longer, instead we'll have to pay the idiots at Microsoft for a CD with those updates, wich we definitely wouldn't need if they had done their work properly in the first place! Of course that is only a rumor, and you know what rumors are like.
Nope, MS Cds with updates can be requested in the US for free, but the net updates will go on. They can be get on cover CDs too.
So there was *some* truth in that rumor after all! Damn! I already had a big poster with Bill Gates taped on my door and my darts were all sharpened... I guess I can use them anyway.... :roll:
I prefer Windows. But - I'm old fashioned. Plus, I don't have a pressing need to switch.

p.s. -- format c: is the answer to all problems
While I think Linux is the more stable and versatile system, Windows wins out for being easier for the average comptuer user.

Problem is that people don't have the time to put into Linux and Windows is fairly easy to figure out.
Brio - If you want still to run XP, then get ready for circumstances. WinXP is the reason of my unpresence on the forum. I almost lost all my data because of this. But that might be because I wanted to install an OEM version of Windows and sell the another comp :D (and I'm nearly finished).

Linux's main strenght for me is quick backup and possibility to make my own distro. The only weakness I see are the games (and little brothers for whom I'm doinmg all this risky work).
Indeed. Games aren't made for Linux, and since I'm a real G4/\/\3r, I'm going to have to stick to XP. And the Xbox. I'm such a Microsoft whore. But with Bill Gates giving away 95% or so of his fortune, wouldn't buying Microsoft products (Gamez YAY!) be the same as donating money to charity organizations such as the Red Cross? Except instead of a badge you get, say, KOTOR or Halo 2 (sorry, I still haven't recovered from discovering yesterday that the Xbox is dark green and not black).
I think it all depends on what you want it for. I have a 98 box for old games, an XP box for new games, a Mac as my laptop for work, A FreeBSD box as my test server, and I am eventually make a gentoo Linux box when I get off my ass for fun and learning. For pretty much anything you want to do, there is an OS that can handle it.
That's way too much for me. XP can be used for old games (dosbox), any linux for fun, work, learning & old games. One mor box for a server.

No need to have a lot of PCs at the same time.
Win XP is some kinda strange psychedelic...
User, you don't need to do anything,
WE know it better, argh! To all nine hells,
if I want to delete something, and if it is stupid
damn piece of data that is from windows,

And the colors, someone at M$ putting LSD in the coffee? :lol:

Don't know anymore how often I used Format C:
in my life, much too often... :?