LIVE help

Von Drunky

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I'm a PC user and none of my friends that play Xbox are within shouting range so hopefully someone here can help me out. I made a live account and started a new game for the sake of having the achievements, since I plan on replaying FO3 a few times around. I put the auto log option on and began to play. Now I'm like 10hrs into the game and still have no achievements, it even says that i have 0 out of 50 bubble heads (or whatever the set number was) even though i found 2 .

Do i have to complete the game to have the achievements show up or am i doing something wrong?

That's weird. You might want to check up on the official forums. Perhaps they have an answer.
So is it suppose to unlock achievements as you go or do they get totaled in the end?

Did everyone borrow F03 from a friend?
They unlock as you go, in fact you will see it in the top of the screen everytime you get an achievement.

You can play F3 without connecting to LIVE though, but you do not get Achievements.

One warning: the game saves are seperated from each other depending on whether you are logged in LIVE or not
I know, i started a new game after making a live account a week or so ago. Thats really odd any ideas why the achievements are not showing up?
I started playing GTA IV recently and started having the same problem with Windows Live. Whenever it tries to update I get an error message. I tried updating it manually but that did not work. The methods on the windows forums didn't work unless I'm implementing them wrong. Anyone else having problems updating Live?