Living in a Town.

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First time out of the vault
I would personally just to live in a town and chill for months on end... If I would sit in a town and find entertainment for myself and be able to sheriff it if I wanted to for days on end I think this would be best game ever! :D
render said:
I would personally just to live in a town and chill for months on end... If I would sit in a town and find entertainment for myself and be able to sheriff it if I wanted to for days on end I think this would be best game ever! :D

Great, I can see it now...

Fallout: Harvest Moon
A Post-Nuclear Farming Roleplaying Game
You know, a Harvest Moon-style Fallout might be kind of cool.
*remembers Harvest Moon: back to Nature*
*finds some Grass, which makes you feel real good. You can also sell it.* Ah, memories...
Buying a house would be a nice addition. Plus, a garage and lab where you tinker with your weapons...yeah...
Mialdor900 said:
You know, a Harvest Moon-style Fallout might be kind of cool.

Well, lets band togeather, go to the mod forum, and BUG PEOPLE! ;)

Mialdor900 said:
*remembers Harvest Moon: back to Nature*
*finds some Grass, which makes you feel real good. You can also sell it.* Ah, memories...

Snoochie Boochies!
Welcome render....

hehehe... I still have my Harvest Moon for SNES... but I haven't hooked my snes for years... So I just use my emulator and roms :P

It brings another idea to mind (that would suck) Fallout : The Sims.
Yeah there is a Fallout Sim City type game. I understand it is buggy though. Maybe play Desolation? Otherwise you may want to get The Sims and make a mod for Fallout. Although it might be interesting, it probably isn't popular enough to consider adding it to Fallout3.
Not a bad idea render, I suppose it wouldn't be required though. Especially since you would have it months on end, but it would be a given choice. Although, if you skip the living in town part and buying your own house with a two door garage, you could just do the same in Fallout 2 after you beat the game. But yeah, your idea would be a nice thing in Fallout 3. If they decide to incorporate it in the game. Something like GTA would be nice too, where you can drive cars around the city, or walk, bike, etc.... Perhaps even be a pro sports player and earn money. So many ideas. I must stop before I get wood.
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