Looking for aesthetic / graphical update mods


First time out of the vault
Hi, im going to replay fallout 2 again, and i want to try out some mods that do not significantly change the gameplay, but just the way it looks. Currently mods that i've been thinking of using are :

-the high resolution mod
-fallout 2 restoration project

Next, im looking for a mod that improves the way NPCs look: for instnace, equiping a party member with power armor does not change the NPC sprite. Any mods which add more detail to the gun sprites as well? In the original its some-what hard to tell if an NPC is carrying a sniper rifle or a guass gun or a regular gattling gun from a laser gattling gun, im pretty sure they use the same sprite unmodded.

Any suggestions for mods which deal with aesthetics or graphical updates are welcomed

The Fallout 2 Restoration Project mod contains sfall by Timeslip which can increase the resolution of the game, and includes the NPC armour equip image change you mention. I have to say I personally find the updated NPC sprites pretty impressive. Sulik bareheaded in power armour is grooovy... 8-) (hoping someone somewhere might treat Miria to a wardrobe update too though, hehe)

I haven't seen any gun sprite altering mods - the guns are a part of the actual character sprites rather than separate entities, so to change the gun image would require multiple cases of altering every single frame of a character's animation in each instance of armour. This means literally tens of thousands (probably even hundreds of thousands) of sprite modifications. It would be great, but it's a lot of work lol.

Hmm... even if there is a pathological .frm modder out there, is it even possible to script weapon changes such as this?

If you do install the FO2 Restoration mod, please try to get the fallout2.exe from the 1.02 US patch. Don't install the full patch, just replace your default fallout2.exe file (as installed initially) with the fallout2.exe from the patch - it makes the game much more stable and less temperamental.