Looking for Fallout 1 and 2 Big Box Originals


First time out of the vault
Looking to buy Fallout 1 and 2 Big Box in collector condition. If anyone is willing to part with theirs let me know!
Yeah I know,

That FA2 is a bit overpriced, they usually go for around $150ish...

Still I'm willing to pay for FA and FA2 original big box. I don't have any other vices (don't drink or smoke) so I figure may as well.
You gotta check Amazon from time to time!
I got my Fallout 1 there just now, big box in good condition for 6€ incl. shipping.

It was in the used section of a jewel case release, i did check amazon.com now but they dont have any right now, but i can see that happening again.