Looking for Robo Rumble


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Well, basically the title covers it. It was a decent game with original gameplay elements. I cannot find it on torrents, I cannot find it on abandonware sights, heck there isn't even one video about this game on Youtube. It was released in 1998, as a dos game and it was one of the first rts to use 3d. Please help me find it!

It was published by Topware Interactive. :cry:
Firstly, thank you guys for trying to help me. However, the link you provided Victor leads to a paying site and since this game is now freeware, I really would not buy it on amazon, but thanks for the hint though.

Any other ideas guys?
ah, topware, the memories. earth 2140 was a blast. i never was more impressed by tire and track, uh, tracks.