Lore-Friendly, good Fallout 2 character build.

Atomic Postman

Vault Archives Overseer
It's been a very long time since I've played Fallout 2, and after it became free on GoG I felt the urge to play it once more and installed it.

I would like a Lore-Friendly recommended build (i.e no high science and energy weapons since The Chosen One is a Tribal and wouldn't be well versed in those subjects.).

Help would be appreciated.

I'm playing with the restoration patch installed if that matters.
Just make who you want. Tribals can have big books of science too, ya know. They're not completely technologically backward, they just tend to be more down to earth.
Don't chose pre-existing characters.

Look up Per's Fallout 2 guide, there's some good advice there on how to make a good character, and you can discern for yourself which are lore-friendly.
The last tribal I made with role playing in mind was outdoorsman, sneak, and throwing. Traits were good natured and.. something else, I forget. 9 INT and pumped speech to 101 in the first few levels. Read lots of books and spend skill points on non-book skills like doctor. Barring low int characters, it really is hard to make a "broken" build in Fallout 2. So be creative!
I don't understand the idea that a player character should be lore friendly in this setting. It's not like the middle ages where knowledge was restricted to higher classes, there's literally technology strewn all over the place, and automatically assuming that a person is completely inept with electronics because he comes from a small stationary tribe is baffling. What if a desert yokel stumbled across a laser pistol as a kid, learned the basics before it ran out of batts, and managed to become the exception to the rule that "Tribals Are Dumb As Hell"? I'll tell you what happens, he becomes an interesting character!

Screw the lore, make your own damn story. The game's there to cater to You, not the other way around. Humbug.
You're not wrong, but it does tease the limits of suspended disbelief when there's absolutely nothing more advanced than a sharpened spear to be found anywhere in Arroyo. You'd figure that if the traders and scouts had the wherewithal or cash to bring that sort of thing back to the tribe, it'd be there, even if scarce. You'd especially figure that they'd want to give their Chosen One a leg-up on the whole "ensuring the survival of our people" thing, and the best they could afford to send him out with was a couple hundred bucks and a piece of rusty scrap tied to a pole.

That cheery bit of Christmas whinging aside, though, AlphaPromethean, BattleCattle is right on the money. Anything you want to do with your character can be lore-friendly, even if it means inventing a tortuous backstory for yourself. Maybe your time as a scout, trader, or emissary for your tribe exposed you to things others wouldn't have access to. Maybe you even had a bit of a Rumspringa before facing your destiny and undertaking the trials of the Chosen One. Tag Skills can represent inborn aptitude, too, so maybe you're just a whiz who picks up a multitool or a laser for the first time and finds that you take to it intuitively. (For roleplaying purposes, though, I feel better about going that route if I don't start investing too heavily in the skill in question until I start getting opportunities to use it.)
@BattleCattle Y U SO GRUMPIES?

Anyway, do this:
TAGS: Melee Weapons, Outdoorsman, Speech.
TRAITS: Bloody Mess (for melee [pure convenience]), and Fast Shot (for throwing [hunting training]) or Heavy Handed (for melee [combat training]). Others to consider: Finesse (hunting training), Gifted (natural talent), Jinxed (chance), all depending on your play style and desired difficulty. Ignore all the others.

For weapon skills, the only realistic selections would be Unarmed, Melee Weapons, and Throwing. Considering that melee weapons do more damage, you'll want to pick Melee Weapons of these three. If you love grenades (I do) which would allow you to hit long-range and do area-of-effect to clear out groups of weaker enemies, you would also want to focus on Throwing, although it's probably not worth making a Tag skill.

Outdoorsman makes perfect sense as a tag skill because in a tribe like that, outdoorsman skill is the very essence of how you survive. And avoiding random encounters is definitely handy :)

Non-combat skills: From there we diverge into a little bit more vague choices based on play style, but I would say this character must not focus on any of the following: Doctor (low technology), Lockpick (not many locks to practice on growing up), Repair (low technology), Science (low technology), Steal (not much experience to practice since everyone knows you and talks to everyone else), Gambling (not sure this would even occur in tribal culture). And to a lesser extent, First Aid (low technology).

So that leaves you to choose from Sneak, Barter, Speech, Traps. All things considered there would be significantly less sneaking and bartering goods than speaking to your fellows, since tribal culture is heavily social in nature, so I'd pick Speech. You could argue trapping applies to a culture like this but personally I think in game terms trapping to catch food is included under Outdoorsman.

Considering the above you'll be a melee build, so you want to pick Bloody Mess. Sending your enemies halfway across the screen with your Super Sledge is annoying as hell and makes killing them take far too long.

Fast Shot is also good because you save 1 AP for grenades, spears etc, and they can't do targeted shots anyway, so it's a win-win. The downside of this is obviously you can't target with your melee any more, but depending on your playstyle that's not much of an issue.

Gifted and Jinxed are generic and fun to play. Finesse and Heavy Handed are both decent trade-offs.

Your tag skills leaves quite a well-rounded character actually: viable combat skill that can take you through end-game, speech is useful because the game has a lot of dialog, and outdoorsman to avoid encounters that are too hard for you earlier in game. Personally I'd be willing to play this character and have a lot of fun doing a true roleplay with it.

Good luck and have fun :) :salute:
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