
John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Easily the best show on Network TV, maybe the best show on American T.V. in syndication.


Just thought about posting a topic because Sawyer was reading Watership Down.

It's a pretty unique show. There's a Stephen King element, a Lovecraft element, The Prisoner element, and a lot of other elements. Its genius.

Am watching the DVDs of it that I just purchased.
My Mum is in love with that show. I don't particularly enjoy it because there aren't any boobs, chainsaws or zombie pirates.
What movie has zombie pirates? That would be awesome.

I've downloaded the first dozen episodes recently, and have fallen in love with it. Now I have to wait till the end of the month for my cap to break to get the rest.
Pirates of the Caribbean has skeleton pirates, but im not sure if they are under the same catagory as zombies.

Well, I guess they both are UNDEAD
I have not seen any episodes though one of my favourite comics implied that it sucked so i think i will crap on it from great height and with great contempt.
Lost is extremely overrated. It's stuffed with clichés, amateur psychology and pretend character development, cheap plot devices and a complete disregard for continuity. Still watchable, but I have a nagging feeling I'm being suckered in by a mystery plot designed not to have an ending and fooled into watching a lot of pointless and disconnected drama.

The West Wing is, of course, the best tv show ever made by, like, fourty-four deathclaw handspans.
The West Wing is too unrealistic, because it doesn't contain any scenes of US president participating in Illuminati blood rituals or consulting CEOs of oil corporations before making a decision of global importance.
Graz'zt said:
The West Wing is too unrealistic, because it doesn't contain any scenes of US president participating in Illuminati blood rituals or consulting CEOs of oil corporations before making a decision of global importance.
Not to mention the massive orgies and meeting up with the heads of the Jewish World Conspiricy. I mean, come on, what would the USA be like if it was'nt run by Oil Companies, Jewish and Illuminati conspirices and those massive gay orgies? I can't even THINK about it.
I believe the Illuminati are *against* the zionist conspiracy. This whole "New World Order" business is about overthrowing the current order, which has Jews running the world.
The West Wing is the only show I have set on Tivo to continuously record, as I never get bored of the episodes. Every one is packed with nuance and information that catching is all even after three or more viewings is difficult at best.

As a side, Prison Break seems like an interesting show. Anyone else catching it?
I saw a commercial on one of our channels for it a few days ago. It looked quite interesting; I'm definitely going to give it a try.