Lovable Fool v. Competent Jerk

Would you prefer to work with a Lovable Fool or Competent Jerk?

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  • Lovable Fool

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Ok, since many of you are working or have worked and have had to work with others- this is a rather interesting question.

Would you prefer to work with the bumbling fool, the person who is constantly making stupid mistakes but is otherwise someone you like on a personal level?

Or would you prefer the competent person who gets everything done and does a good job, but is socially someone you would never hang out with?

Economist says- the lovable fool is the better option-

The jerk at work

Wise enough to play the fool?

Jun 2nd 2005
From The Economist print edition

In praise of lovable bunglers

IT IS a universal dilemma. What to do with the jerk at work, the person who is so disliked by their colleagues that no one wants to work with them? The traditional answer is to tolerate them if they are at least half-competent—on the grounds that competent jerks can be trained to be otherwise, while much-loved bunglers cannot.

An article in the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review suggests that such an approach seriously underestimates the value of being liked. In a study of over 10,000 work relationships at five very different organisations, Tiziana Casciaro and Miguel Sousa Lobo, academics at Harvard Business School and the Fuqua School of Business respectively, found that (given the choice) people consistently and overwhelmingly prefer to work with a “lovable fool” than with a competent jerk.

The authors suggest that as well as training jerks to be more charming—although “sadly there are people who are disliked because they are socially incompetent, and probably never will be truly charming”—companies should also “leverage the likeable”. Amiable folk should be turned into “affective hubs”, people who can bridge gaps “between diverse groups that might not otherwise interact”.

Re-evaluating jolly types who spend long hours hanging round water-coolers is currently fashionable. Ronald Burt, a sociologist at the University of Chicago and a leading proponent of “social capital”—an explanation of “how people do better because they are somehow better connected with other people”—has written a book (“Brokerage and Closure”, to be published by the Oxford University Press later this summer) in which he describes the “clusters” and “bridges” that are typical of organisations' informal networks. Mr Burt calls the people who form bridges between clusters “brokers”; they resemble Ms Casciaro's and Mr Sousa Lobo's affective hubs. In practice, Mr Burt has found that brokers do better than people without the social skills to cross the spaces between clusters.

A book published in English this week, but already a cause célèbre in France, portrays most employees as fools—lovable or otherwise. Corinne Maier's “Bonjour Laziness” (Pantheon Books) is a worm's-eye view of a corporate world where only three creatures exist: sheep (“weak and inoffensive”); pests (“poisoning the general atmosphere”); and loafers (“their only aim is to do as little as possible”). In the view of Ms Maier, a practising psychoanalyst as well as a part-time employee of EDF, a French power firm, pests (ie, jerks) rule the corporate world. (So does being a jerk give you the skills needed to get to the top? And only in France?) The rest can only hope to lie low and await their pension. Les Misérables! But, assuming you are lovable, far better, surely, to follow the Burt route: head straight for the water-cooler.
After watching that British show (I think it's called "At the office" or somesuch) I have to go with the lovable fool...

Damn, I hate... unlikeable... people. :mrgreen:
Eh, I'd rather work with a competent shithead. I'm just working with him, not making his children. It's annoying as all hell when the friendly fool screws up and brings the entire department down with him, or makes you have to do more work.
I'd rather work with a loveable fool. I'm such a wanker myself that anyone I dislike makes me violently angry. I'd spend more time upsetting him, poisoning his sandwiches and sending him photocopies of my rectum than actually being productive. Anyway, you can laugh at a fool.
Usually when the loveable fool does his thing, I or somebody else gets stuck with damage control. I'll take the competent asshole.
I would much prefer a competant jerk. Someone who doesn't know what they are doing can get themselves or me killed. A jerk might be a pain to work with, but if I can count on them to do their job right, I'm willing to put up with it.
The Commissar said:
I would much prefer a competant jerk. Someone who doesn't know what they are doing can get themselves or me killed. A jerk might be a pain to work with, but if I can count on them to do their job right, I'm willing to put up with it.

I work in construction/home improvement during the summer. During the past couple of years i've worked with a large variety of people and they do generally fall under these two categories. In this line of work it is really easy to get seriously hurt and i've seen it happen to "fools". For this reason it would make sense to agree with The Commissar here but i'm going to have to be honest and go with "loveable fool". When you have to work more than 10 hours a day with a single person, the issue of how you get along with him really begins to matter. If i work with a jerk for too long it starts affecting my quality of work. If i know i'll work with a person who i get along with, the work is much easier and i look forward to it. But when i work with a jerk, i even start resenting the lunch break because i know i'll have to talk to the guy more.
i'd rather have the jerk then to be honest & i dont even work in a threathening environment or anything.

if you got a braindead numbnuts, chances are you gotta clean up after his ass. while if you got a jerk working with you, you might have a chance to shove some workload his way.

hell, yes, i'm lazy.
I run playgrounds in the summer, and there's nothing more irritating than a lazy-ass animator that's so loved by the children you can't kick them out without starting a mini-riot.

I'll take the competent asshole anyday.
Jebus said:
I run playgrounds in the summer

They let pederasts do that? I guess theres a warning sign at the entrance. Also I think i remember you mentioning that you worked in construction in the past (or maybe that was my fantasy). How was work with people there?
KQX said:
Jebus said:
I run playgrounds in the summer

They let pederasts do that? I guess theres a warning sign at the entrance. Also I think i remember you mentioning that you worked in construction in the past (or maybe that was my fantasy). How was work with people there?

Meh, I did both. I usually work playgrounds in July/August, and do construction in September. However, this summer I'll prolly mainly be cramming for my re-examns :-/

And on the construction site, I guess I was the loveable fool :D I was an absolute construction newbie the first time I worked there...
I'd take the loveble fool, I know how it is to work with people I really dislike and it is not much fun. To me, work isn't supposed to be something you dislike. When I'm working with people I hate, it becomes a pain, and the days get longer and longer...When I work with people who often fucks up, but are nice guys and friendly, etc., the days become shorter and enjoyable...I can allways give the fool all the lame jobs(throwing out garage around the construction site and so on) :lol:
I would prefer a lovable fool. Not only are they much more fun to hang around with, they are also clumsy and stupid, which lets me yell at them and act high and mighty (like a competent jerk, really). I'm not worried about potential long-term difficulties the fool's blundering might cause - since I imagine both me and the fool will be in software development, we will just fix his mistakes in version 1.01.
The lovable fool, as I look better by comparison and yet can maintain a somewhat sane conversation. The competent asshole would find a way to screw me over out of his/her self-interest, or else take credit for what I do.
I would rather work with the compitent jerk.

In my job i have to trust that the people i'm working with arent going to fuck somthing up and get me dead. (recently i have been let down in this reguard)

Even if i dont particularly like a person, if i can trust his ass to do his part of the job right and not get me killed, i can live with that.

you can be the nicst guy ever, but if you constantly make mistakes, and i cant trust you fully with my life. I would flat out refuse to fly with you or even let you touch my bird. ever. period.
SimpleMinded said:
Eh, I'd rather work with a competent shithead. I'm just working with him, not making his children. It's annoying as all hell when the friendly fool screws up and brings the entire department down with him, or makes you have to do more work.

My sentiments exactly. Dealing with jerks or the socially inept is nowhere near as horrible as fixing or dealing with the mistakes that idiots make.
Loveable fool. The loveable fool can atleast get you coffee when you need it, and hes not likely to screw *that* up... I hope. The competent jerk also is likeley to make you look bad, where as the fool makes you look good.