Love The Bomb RPG is out


Night Watchman
Staff member
From Mark Iradian himself:<blockquote>Love the Bomb is a free narrative role-playing game (RPG) about surviving the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust. Players take on the role as one of the few remaining survivors exploring the wastelands in hopes of finding their next meal, or perhaps a new life.

A narrative role-playing system is more focused on storytelling and character development, as opposed to classes and levels. Rules are more simplistic in a narrative system, making it easier for those not familiar with RPGs to jump in. For example, creating a character in Love The Bomb involves words and not dice rolls.</blockquote>So, there's a new postapocalyptic RPG in town, do let me know if it's good. The PDF can be downloaded at the author's site.

Link: Love The Bomb
So this is a LARPG? I'll have to get some kids together and test it out. Could be interesting.
Nah, I think it's just a PNP, only with as little rolling as possible. Think FATE? I wonder what the mechanics are like, if dice are not to be involved... ;)
Looks interesting. I'll check it out and get back to you - but all my friends suck, so that might take a while.
The creator here, just want to patch a few things up.

This is a pen and paper style RPG, and by narrative, I mean that there isn't excessive dice rolls or a huge complex character generator.

They are no levels, classes, or races (at least stats for them). If you want to be a huge ass mutant, be my guest. The system is very flexible and as long as both the players and GM agree on what happens, it's all good.

What I meant using "words" instead of dice rolls for character generation is your background is your character sheet also.

Here is a sample character written very poorly, just to give you a glimpse on how this works: Earl is a good driver. He is an expert at firearms and is often seen training other militia soldiers on how to use them. He runs a weapon store, bartering with even the toughest of customers on an daily basis. He is a damn good cook.

So looking at this background, here are his stats.

Damn Good Cook (D10)
A good driver (D12)
A firearm expert (D8)
Tough barter (D10)

Now his background would also suggest his stats.

He isn't a book worm, so his knowledge is pretty low (D20)

Because of his ways in driving and firearms, his dexterity is much higher then normal (D8)

Only thing mentioning his strength would possibly be militia training, so he is average for that (D12)

He deals with customers often and runs a successful business, so his charm is above-average (D10)

Militia soldiers are trained in keeping an eye open, same goes with firearms. But he isn't exactly a prime time investigator also, so it's average (D12)

Finally, his vitality is probably average. Again, militia training. (D12)

And...that's it. That's how you make a character. The entire system is bascailly roll-low or roll-under system. Just make sure you have a really good and fair GM, since the game does give him a lot of power with very little checks and balances.
MarkyX said:
And...that's it. That's how you make a character. The entire system is bascailly roll-low or roll-under system. Just make sure you have a really good and fair GM, since the game does give him a lot of power with very little checks and balances.
Sounds like GURPS: all power to the GM though plenty of room for clever gamers to milk the GM for everything they can get.