Mad max



I...don't think it would have looked so well if it was a black shirt, since the picture itself should have been done in white...Meh, it's still a nice shirt though.
Kataki87 said:
:D to buy or not to buy? Its just so damn expensive for a t-shirt
It looks like a good shirt, but yeah, pretty expensive. Usually I try not to buy t-shirts because (at least for me) I can only where them some of the time. Whereas a stylin' button up can be taken as both dressy and relaxed depending on where and how I wear it. As for t-shirts there are plenty of companies and organizations that give them away for free. You can buy blank t-shirts for $3 U.S. or cheaper. And then you could use your Photoshop skills, a printer, and t-shirt transfer paper (the iron-on kind) to make your own shirt that can be 100% original. Silk screening doesn't cost much either at a print shop. I guess it just depends on how much time you are willing to invest and how much you want to be original.

By the way, when I saw the tangent in this thread about racism, I first thought you guys were referring to Mel's drunken, anti-semitic rantings.