Mad Nation part 11


Vault Consort
Staff member
The 11th and final part of Mad Nation is up. But death is not the end, for an "upcoming web-series that picks up where the movie leaves off will be starting next month". In case someone is beginning to suspect we'll rename the site to Planet Mad Nation, I can almost guarantee by that time we'll also have newsposted on Fallout or something.

<center><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></center>
Imho, it was the best ep. Sountrack was awsome, "quest-like" idea was awsome too, and it was unexpected so that bought my love :D, and finally - "f***" at the end (simple emotion coused by a simple failure in a simple post apocalyptic world).

P.S. sorry for a bad english.
Very nice! To be critical the audio levels were not very well synced but otherwise, very nice!
What's up with you guys? Don't you get enough porn?

Anyway, pretty good movie, and if you work on all the shortcomings it has (I guess you know them by now ;)), everyone will be more than happy with your next pile of work :)
Per said:
In case someone is beginning to suspect we'll rename the site to Planet Mad Nation, I can almost guarantee by that time we'll also have newsposted on Fallout or something.

These remind me of the LARP stuff you guys were covering a while back. Although I will admit to not having watched any of the mad nation stuff. So if anything, I would suspect a name change to Planet PALARP. :P (the PA meaning Post Apocalyptic.. although I doubt I really had to spell that out).

But in all honesty I doubt NMA's name will ever change.

I would try watching these, but usually when I want to watch something that's good for a laugh (because it tries to be serious but in reality is funny because it's really quite bad) then I'll watch an anime on youtube. Actually I usually don't unless prodded to do so by a friend. :P

And if any of the participants in the making of these videos are reading this, don't take it to heart. Like I said, I haven't even watched any of them so my opinion doesn't actually count.
The day after posting the last of the movie, I started my drive across the US in my move to L.A. from Boston, hence why I haven't posted since.

Maphusio said:
Very nice! To be critical the audio levels were not very well synced but otherwise, very nice!

Audio was real tough with this one because we had no separate equipment to record it. But we've come a lot further with the stuff we've shot since.

TheSHEEEP said:
Anyway, pretty good movie, and if you work on all the shortcomings it has (I guess you know them by now ;)), everyone will be more than happy with your next pile of work :)

We've already shot the first season of Mad Nation Stories, the web-series that pics up more or less where this movie ends. I'll look forward to hearing the comments/criticism on the first season of the show once it's up online next month.

TheSHEEEP said:
Oh, I just noticed. One thing is missing: The outtakes.

We've got more outtakes than the full length of the movie. But sooner or later I'll get around to cutting a reel :)