Mad Nation Part 8


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
And another part of Mad Nation appears in PerniciousParadise's YouTube channel. A few offbeat gunfights... and more.

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Action is pretty good IMO. And finally, some blood! :P
And a chick.

But still, the movie lacks a soundtrack!

Did he say "Brunet" at the end?
She's cute.

And the action has a zing to it. I like it. As with some things like this, it's not clear it was an intentional zing, but I like it nonetheless.
Public said:
Action is pretty good IMO. And finally, some blood! :P
And a chick.

But still, the movie lacks a soundtrack!

Did he say "Brunet" at the end?

The soundtrack issue came up a few times in the fan fic thread: my soundtrack artists gave me a great soundtrack but it wasn't really enough music to use it in every scene. But that didn't bother me because I wanted to have the music be used minimally throughout the movie anyway. In this scene, I wanted to go for a more ambient feel, hence the creepy, minimalist synth track that you can hear faintly throughout up until the climax of the knife fight.

And no, he said "Burn it." It's a little less intelligible on youtube than in the actual DVD version.

Morbus said:
She's cute.

And the action has a zing to it. I like it. As with some things like this, it's not clear it was an intentional zing, but I like it nonetheless.

Yeah, the actress is pretty cute; I picked her in part because of how well she looked the part of cute but not hollywood gorgeous. She was pretty hard to direct, and her acting is a little dodgy sometimes, which comes out in the next couple scenes, but she pulled it off.

As for the action, it depends on the type of zing your seeing, hah. I was going for a more old school western kind of action, as apposed to the John Woo style gunfight. As for the knife fight, I had a friend of mine who's a pro league MMA fighter and theatre trained fight choreographer do all our fight training. I wanted it to be very direct, brutal, and animalistic; it came out a touch more showy than I had originally intended at some points, but I am very happy with how it came out.
Its an unsung feat, directing actors :lol: Cause you have no idea how well someone works at all, just how good the final scene is. I'm with you ITOAS.
Morbus said:
Its an unsung feat, directing actors :lol: Cause you have no idea how well someone works at all, just how good the final scene is. I'm with you ITOAS.

It's particularly tough when you don't have money to pay them, either. At least then you can get people with more experience. As with everything else, you get what you pay for: free acting is usually bad acting.
"Why are you stopping? Can't you just drive around it?" - my thoughts exactly :lol:.

Yeah, and I would certainly go back to that guy and take his rifle :roll:.
Bewitched said:
"Why are you stopping? Can't you just drive around it?" - my thoughts exactly :lol:.

Yeah, and I would certainly go back to that guy and take his rifle :roll:.

Yeah, I actually wrote that line in specifically to establish that he was stopping for his own reason, just in case the narration wasn't clear enough that he's stopping out of déjà vu. In the original drafts of the scene, there was going to be another character: some innocent bystander who the sniper had shot so that Gray would stop to help or loot the person.

As for Bane (the sniper) and his rifle: he doesn't die in the scene, and Gray would have been able to tell that from a distance, so I figured he'd lean toward caution and bail. I did, for the sake of Fallout-ness, have him loot a bit on the way out of the cult's farm in part 8 though: you see him grab shotgun shells and the knife.

Actually, for those that are paying attention, in Part 7, there's one object in the drawer where Gray find's the knife that you'll all recognize. It's kinda tricky to see though, it's in shadow a lot. It's at the 3:35-3:40 point of the youtube video.
Good scene. Finally some real action. I do not like the main character though (sorry kent). It just seems like he's trying too hard to be the mysterious lone wolf guy that's really good at killing people. I think I would have liked him a lot more if that trait was a little more subtle (like an underdog), and that we could have seen some characteristic quirks about him. Just my opinion though 8-).

But by all means, I am thoroughly entertained whilst watching these clips, and I guess that is what counts :).

It's a valid opinion. I think you might change your mind by the end of the movie though: more layers to the character come out in the last three scenes (the first of which I uploaded today).

And you'll definitely change your mind I feel if you keep watching the show. We've already shot 7 episodes, which we're combining with the movie to make the first season of the show; the episodes that come after the feature are specifically geared toward developing Gray more as a character, particularly the last three of this season.