Mad Nation part 9


Vault Consort
Staff member
Part 9 of post-apocalyptic drama Mad Nation sees an abrupt shift in pace from shootouts and beatings to carrot farming and windmill construction. A lot of love and CGI went into those killer bunnies.

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Did he aimed at the bottle, or he aimed at the guy and shot the bottle accidentally?

Another good episode. 8-) :clap:
I like the content of these episodes. It just seems to be too disjointed between the episodes. Seems like there is a lot happening but we're not seeing what's going on. Otherwise a great production.
the_cpl said:
Did he aimed at the bottle, or he aimed at the guy and shot the bottle accidentally?

Another good episode. 8-) :clap:

He missed the sniper and hit the bottle accidentally; an accurate shot with open sights at 150 yards with a .357 is a really difficult shot.

Xixao4590 said:
I like the content of these episodes. It just seems to be too disjointed between the episodes. Seems like there is a lot happening but we're not seeing what's going on. Otherwise a great production.

It flows a lot better as a whole movie. That's the unfortunate bit about Youtube; you can't put up something longer than 10 minutes, and even if you could nobody would watch it.

goffy59 said:
I really love all these episodes, it will be sad when you no longer have anymore to show. :(

You're in luck: we've already shot the first 6 episodes of the web series that follows the movie.
for me, this is personally the best 'episode' i have seen so far. both cinematography wise, and action wise. maybe its the addition of the girl,m but i just feel i can connect with eh lead character more now, i don't know. but yer, best installment so far for me (oh, maybe its he sound track tho, if you had used more music, i feel maybe other scenes may have been more engaging (even tho i know you said you wanted minimalist music)).

This one is actually my favorite scene out of the movie, or rather this and the next two scenes are my personal favorite. The whole movie's weakest part is probably the third and forth scenes (the tavern and hotel room), but I feel like from there on it's a pretty steady climb up to this scene. The next two are the conclusion of the thing, and wrap it up well I feel.

Southpaws said:
Hm, K98 if my eyes still work. Wonderful. This and episode 8 were really good.

You are mistaken good sir. It's an m44 Mosin Negant.

coliphorbs said:
I really liked the sniper, but good god, I'm sorry -- that girl's acting is... incredibly wooden.

Yeah, she's pretty awkward, which was almost good for the character. She only just barely pulls this whole thing off actually. But she's ultimately only a symbolic character anyway. I'm pretty confident in saying that she's the weakest of our cast, but she at least learned a few things throughout.
She's got some big boobies!

I know it's being rude, but I don't give a damn fuck. She still got them big :D

The main problem with this episode is the big boobie girl's acting, and that's why I prefer the previous one than this.
Even though, the sniper guy feels like an awesome part (swearing and drinking- it's perfect), the girl kills it.

Part 8 has many good parts, some nice paced action and a badass look at the end. This one has only little.

But good, good. Keep it up.
Public said:
She's got some big boobies!

I know it's being rude, but I don't give a damn fuck. She still got them big :D

The main problem with this episode is the big boobie girl's acting, and that's why I prefer the previous one than this.

Physically speaking, her chest is the only part of her appearance I feel doesn't fit her character: I really wanted the character to be someone the audience would not sexualize, so I chose a girl with a cute, but not hollywood gorgeous, look. She fits the part otherwise though, so I figured whatever; in hindsight, I should have given her a looser fitting costume.

As for her acting, well, there's a lot I could say here: I went with her because she was one of very few options I had, and I was running out of time to finish the project. She was reliable, dedicated, and easy to work with (for the most part). Her acting is pretty bad though, ultimately: I was able to get her listening to my direction, but even then, she telegraphs everything and overstates everything to the point where it's pretty comical. I actually submitted the next scene coming up to my directing class in school to get help from my instructor and classmates in sharpening her performance, and even after several rehearsals, she still just barely pulls off the roll. But that being said, she was good enough for such a small part: her character is meant to be something symbolic for mine, not so much a person to be explored in the story. If I had the time, I probably would have looked for other options before casting her. But, as I said, she pulled it off, only just, but she accomplished what I needed, and for that I was thankful. I feel like she's better in the next too scenes, but your right though, she's pretty distracting.


Oh hey, part 10 is up:
She is not the main character, so I guess she is ok for few episodes. At least the movie is not a sausage fest with a girl. :D
Yeah, but it's pretty much an all male cast otherwise. As I said, it's tough finding talented -and- dedicated actresses around my area, it's usually either one or the other.
I hope she doesn't read the posts here. Almost everybody write "she is not a good actress". Or "she has too big boobs".

Anyway, I can't wait to see her with a gun. If the people don't like to listen her, but maybe they like her in action scenes. 8-)
the_cpl said:
Anyway, I can't wait to see her with a gun. If the people don't like to listen her, but maybe they like her in action scenes. 8-)

Prepare for disappointment: she doesn't in this movie and I probably won't be working with her again. She does play a killer librarian in another of my movies though, although in that also she doesn't actually do any action sequences.