Madaraka Day Fan Art Roundup


Night Watchman
Staff member
It's been two months since our previous roundup, which gathered all the fine fallouty fan stuff you keep posting at the forum, so it's high time for another one. Let's kick off, shall we?

Morpoggel made a gun and named it after the year of the Chernobyl:

A fellow by the apt name of ActionBoy shows us how one of those little life-savers look. Also made a Pulse Rifle - but not from Fallout, and a COC badge:

Stormovka made a series of falloutish diorams he called Present Day.

Continued in the Fan Art Gallery

Our talented Phomax made more of his unique-styled works


Wooz could have made more, but was distracted by other topics, so we're left with this one - not to say bad, not bad at all:


Parannegha is haunted by the evil spirits of Microforte, but the drawings seem OK.


CD showed this poster called Europa 2078


MikMan might be doing concept arts for some indie project soon. Or might not, it's his call.


Ambiance has done some underground work.


Xulm and WolfV6 have made a mutie each.


N'jok and Hotel California have both been making animations from the in-game engine, feel free to take a look.

Other contributions include mattz's, hunter's and Guerra's

Twelve Motion's Fallout story comic strip goes on.

Check out the fanfics: Uziel's story entitled The Blood Knight, Tycell's The One Vault, and last but certainly not least Atomic Cowboy's The Wasteland

Josh shows us the allure of a Half-Life 2 in postapocalyptic setting, and N'jok is in search of his falloutish alter-ego.

And a late entry, a graphic by Muhol.


Links: NMA Fan Fiction/Fan Art Forum, NMA Fan Art Gallery Section, Upload Your Fan Art!
There are some talented artists on here on NMA. I like the renders by Ambiance and some of the other renders and drawings.
Those renders by Ambiance are pure sex, but everyone else put out some really good work too. Sandwarrior and those dioramas were pretty cool, also.

And that hl2 map that Josh linked, even though it doesn't use a single unique texture or model, is still cool. I'd like to actually RP it!
It has been a good month. Now get back to work

Modeled and rendered using lightwave 3D. One thing people might not like ise the US ARMY on the left shield. I did that for 2 reasons, so that they would not be confused for origional renders from the game incase someone thought that I was really that good lol and 2 its kinda a disagement I have with the story line. I would think that sence the Brother hood was founed by a vault filled with US military I would think they would carry on in the name of what they were and trained to protect in the first place instead of starting there own faction.

No, they weren't from a military Vault, that was an error in FOT because the devs didn't bother to read the FO1 holodisks. They were from the Mariposa Military Base. Not to mention the BOS was created by soldiers who rebelled because of U.S. Army-sponsored experiments on humans. See:
And, the renders are really really nice but...did you HAVE to make the Fallout: Tictacs power armour? it sucks, y'know :wink:
bastard. did you HAVE to show me that?

Alot of nice fan art here by the way, I especially like the super mutant by Parannegha