Maddox rants about fallout and interplay on his site.


First time out of the vault
it is probable, but since i didn't get his reply i'll never know. looking at the title and intro of his rant, seems like he is too angered by FO3 actual state. and if you look at his first example you associate it to someone we know rather well...

Here is the link
Heh, GameDev's #4 on the list.

No, wait...#5. Maddox so wonderfully describes him to an accurate level, too. :)
I've read a lot of Maddox' articles, but I never noticed anything that would suggest he was a Fallout fan (or even an RPG fan in general). In fact, it seems to me he's mostly into consoles.

Of course, if my greatest suspicion is confirmed (i.e. that Maddox and Rosh are really the same person), then I would have to compliment Maddox on successfully hiding the fact that he is a hardcore Fallout fan.
i just want to make sure about something:
he's not making fun of Myst is he? it's just a genre comparison for the M-K & A Olsen game joke, right?
No, it means that the person who green lights games essentially has no idea what makes a good game, since the only game he's ever played is Myst.

Maddox has always styled himself as a sort of George Carlin sans-intelligence anyways. I doubt he's thinking about any game specifically so much as commenting on the sensationalist trend in game making.
It is an important aspect of some forms of humor. The allusion principle in comedy essentially states that if an idea is in a parallel vague enough for the observer to make a connection, even if that is your intention, it sparks off realization and the observer feels rewarded as when someone finally figures out a difficult problem on their own. It makes them feel clever, and they further amuse themselves with making more parallels of the same to fit into some very amusing situations. It is, ironically enough for this topic, one of the things that drives George Carlin's humor.

It is how I made the joke up above, as people would remember from Arthur's initial pleas for help circa around mid last year, he claimed to be 31 (33 this year), and almost down to the letter of the rest. Now only if Maddox had included a "plays a 'Trend-Chasing MMORPG Indie Developer Without a Clue MMOSim', and he's failing miserably in the PR department in that game because the only relations he's had of any amount was a three-way with dual Kung-Fu Grip" into one of those, I would have sworn he was stealing material from NMA and we should sue for copyright infringement. ;)

It's how some of the more styled comedians can get peoples' minds to "go there" without having to say a single thing dirty, they just appear to be doing so out of innocent acting.

This concludes my 4too impersonation of the day. Thank you.
Roshambo said:
Now only if Maddox had included a "plays a 'Trend-Chasing MMORPG Indie Developer Without a Clue MMOSim', and he's failing miserably in the PR department in that game because the only relations he's had of any amount was a three-way with dual Kung-Fu Grip" into one of those, I would have sworn he was stealing material from NMA and we should sue for copyright infringement. ;)

Hehe, judging maddox i think you would probably get this answer.