Main quest shennanigans(spoilers a plenty!)


First time out of the vault
Hey folks.

Well, i have reached a point in the storyline where i have to start to make up my mind which faction i will babysit to victory. :D
Some info, its my first run, i play mostly good and have battled the legion when ever possible (jerks!). I have not done any of the main faction quests so far, and have just settled into the Lucky 38.
My char is at lvl. 24 and i have done a good deal of exploring and side quests.

See, i planned to side with the NCR.
They are no saints and have some selfish motives, but overall they appear to be the best choice for a safe&prosperous future for the Mojave. At least they try to keep the land&people safe and aim to restore order. Some opression will be involved but i think it is a necessary evil in this case.

But in my mind i wanted to keep in charge of Vegas and have the NCR help out/control the rest of the land.
After some snooping around(naughty, i know) i have discovered that this would not be possible to the games "either/or" type of quest line. My question now, is if i have understood this right.
When you side with the NCR there is no way to keep in charge of Vegas right?
Seems to be all or nothing as i understand it.

My thoughts on Mr.House are mixed.
He is also no saint, and has done some very selfish and oppressive things in Vegas. But his knowledge and resources can do some good things for the Mojave. This is also supported by his speech when you snuff him. I did that as an experiment the first time when i entered the Lucky 38. :P
But i felt really bad afterwards, so you might understand why i am asking these things.

I would appreciate some thoughts from you guys on this matter, you can spoil some things but try not to go overboard if you can avoid it.
Unfortunately, when you pick a side, they want you to kill almost everybody else... "Why can't we all just get along?!?"
--Rodney King

I don't like the all or nothing aspect of picking a side to help, so the best way to look at it is NOT who do you want to help. It's who do you want to fight with the least, during the rest of the game. And most people who have sided with the Legion or House, should realize that fighting the NCR is not very fun.

Killing Mr. House is super easy, and slaughtering the Legion is very satisfying, so I usually side with the NCR.
It bears noting that, as long as you stay in their good graces for the better part of the game, it's possible to stay neutral with the NCR if you side with House. You just won't be able to undertake quests for them anymore. I do wish he'd leave you an option when it came to The Brotherhood, but whaddayagonnado? The Wasteland is a messy place, and even in the original Fallout it wasn't possible to talk your way out of every slaughter.

I'm not sure about Caesar... he's a little touchier about these sorts of things, but by the time I come around to throwing in with House or Yes Man I'm usually already KIA in his book, so I can't say with any certainty. I can't see much of a reason to leave him alive beyond curiosity as to the ending if you're chummy with NCR in even the remotest capacity, though.
In a nutshell, the four main quest factions work like this:

To side with the NCR, you must kill or disable House; obviously this means you cannot help Caesar's Legion.
Siding with Caesar's Legion also requires you to kill/disable House and brands you a terrorist in the eyes of the NCR.
You can side with House and still maintain good relations with NCR, though you cannot continue their primary quest branch.
Lastly, choosing Yes Man (Independent Vegas) also requires you to kill or disable House; you can maintain good relations with NCR, but not Caesar's Legion. Like the other options, once you reach a certain point--you'll know once you get the quests "Don't Tread on the Bear!" and "Beware the Wrath of Caesar!"--you cannot continue working for other groups.

As for your decision:

toneone said:
But in my mind i wanted to keep in charge of Vegas and have the NCR help out/control the rest of the land.
After some snooping around(naughty, i know) i have discovered that this would not be possible to the games "either/or" type of quest line. My question now, is if i have understood this right.
When you side with the NCR there is no way to keep in charge of Vegas right?
Seems to be all or nothing as i understand it.

On my first play through, I decided to work for House, but also give NCR troops a helping hand.

[spoiler:73502311f4]After House is in charge, they'll leave the Mojave anyways and it's difficult to pass up all the quests they offer.[/spoiler:73502311f4]
Thx for your Info folks!

Thing is, i just felt bad after killing House for experimental reasons.
Gotta hand it to the game, that it makes me feel sorry for a bunch of pixels and code lines.

You actually helped me a lot with my desicions for which line to follow on my first go. I gladly replay this game to side with somebody else later.

One last thing though, what happens to my suite in the Lucky 38 when i turn against house?
I kind of like it. :D
toneone said:
One last thing though, what happens to my suite in the Lucky 38 when i turn against house?
I kind of like it. :D
Your suite in the lucky 38 stays the same, no matter what. The only thing that will change (in the Lucky 38) after killing House, is that you can't sell the snowglobes to anyone. So make sure to sell the 2 or 3 snowglobes that you have found before killing House.

To be honest, I never cared that much for finding snowglobes. They are good for easy money (2,000 caps each) in the beginning of the game, but very hard to find -- I have only found 3.

1. next to a grave marker in Goodsprings cemetary
2. behind a cash register in the lounge area in the Lucky 38
3. Can't remember :(
Phew, thats a relief.
House is dead meat 8-)

Well the snowglobes are kinda meh.
Sure its eyecandy the first time round but 2000 caps is peanuts for higher level players.
I have found five globes before i reached the Lucky 38, so it was a nice boost.
1.Goodsprings cementary
2.Hooverdam visitor center
3.Mormon Fort(in one of the towers)
4.Lucky 38 in the cocktail lounge
5. Vault 21 in Sarah´s room

If you want to get most out of the globes its probably best to gather all and turn in the set. Dunno if will look for the others at this point.(lvl.29)

In general i have no problem to get a substantional amount of caps for shopping trips.
The jury rigging perk really pays of when you do some leg work and kill fiends/powder gangers or what have you.
On the other hand good stuff is really pricy so it balances out in the end.
Though there are some traders which can more or less be milked for vast amounts of things. The great khan trader buys/sells at face value for me. Not the widest selection of stuff but i can get good amounts of high end ammo from her for the price of one or two of the better guns.