Making Different race for main character?

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I have been wondering for a long time if it is possible to make a character that is different race then human for single player and play like you would as a human.
The follow is a quote from the official fallout tactics message board. I think Miroslav or Odin should put the file on this website so people can download them until the Editor comes out.

Topic: selecting races in single player........ (3 of 3), Read 215 times
Conf: Fallout: Tactics Game Discussion
From: Joseph Stalin
Date: Friday, April 20, 2001 06:21 PM

Unzip this file into your FOT main directory. It should put 5 replacement prefab files into the \Core\Entities\Special\Prefab\ directory automatically. I believe I included a dog, a deathclaw, a ghoul, a super mutant, and a robot. Some of them should be able to be modified, but some have stats that are over the standard limit so you might have to just pick it w/o modifying the character. There's a work around, but it takes a while to explain.
With the risk of sounding selfglorifying, I wish to point out a (better) alternative.

You may wish to take a look at the Hacking and Modding forum here at NMA, more specifically a thread called something like "singleplay as non-human"...

Anyway, here are my gripes about the mod you point out above:
-The Ghoul, Robot and Dog has (maybe*) too many skillpoints.
-The SuperMutant has wrong perk rate and resistances.
-The Robot has 4 tag skills (5 with Beta Software).
I haven't checked if Ghoul and DeathClaw has the right resistances (the others are correct) - forgot it and is too lazy to do it now...

Well, now for the reason for my way of starting this post. I myself has made a similar mod (that just happens to be correct about perk rates, resistances, tag skills and ...).
After reading this I even got around to changing it so that all skillpoints start inside the allowed ranges for all races included.
The races I have BTW is Human, SuperMutant, DeathClaw, Ghoul and Robot (sorry no Dog).

I just put my mod up on the net (no more emailing): [|here]

(*); Maybe too many skillpoints, since all other singleplayer prafabs has 40 skillpoints total. But Robot and Ghoul has 42 in multiplay (can't remember how many they have in this mod) - Dog has too many regardless, since it only has 35 in multi...