I have no idea. I liked both.
I actually thought Manchurian Candidate was really strong in alot of ways. I love Demme, and the first "Raymond Shaw? Sargen Raymond Shaw" scene was almost as good as the "Will you fuck me? I'd fuck me" scene. But I thought it missed out on the bipartiasanship of the origional (Commies are everywhere but anti-commies are stupid), save maybe the parralels between Shaw and Kerry.
I liked it alot though.
I loved the Bourne Supremacy. I loved Maria in teh first which I saw the day before (might have something to do with the fact that I have'nt seen anything provacative outside of Identity the entire trip), and thought she should have stayed in the movie......I thought she added an emtional dimension no seen in any Spy movie outside of You Only Live Twice.
I liked both alot. Both are in thier own ways and to diffirent extents peices of leftist proporganda, but I'd be making a liar out of my collection of Eisinstien movies if I said I cold'nt like Proporganda.