Manti - Scourge of the Wasteland


First time out of the vault
There are things that never change no matter how many developmental changes FO2 goes through & that is the idiocy involved in vaious encouters especially with the manti. Just recently I met up with Willy the Trader in the vicinity of Modoc. I have met up with him quite a number of times & like him for he specializes in interesting & useful weaponry. No matter how many times he may meet with mishap he has been graciously been given the ability to resurrect & again bless us with his commodities.

Just yesterday I bumped into him being threatened by a group of deadly manti. The leader of the manti brazenly marched up to Willy & of course his guards took immediate action to dispatch him. Unfortunately Willy was between them & the mantus & was also dispatched. This happens more often than not in such encounters - the merchant is murdered by the FO inspired carelessness of his or her own guards. Was this due to sloppy programming by FO or did they deviously plan it this way? In addition, the guards steadfastly ignore their misdeed & instead demand that I put away my weapons when I approach the deceased remains of their leader. In this case I rummaged in Willy's lifeless body & was rewarded with an Alien Blaster & so happily went my way.

As much as FO continues to bless us with good game play it also dismays us with nonsense encounters & witless critters.