Map & Food mod


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Its hard to implement food system into game and not lose fun from play. System exist in game but is designed in wrong way of use. During long research i probably found solution:

First is remove worldmap. That may be not accepted but lets say you known world or got map in inventory so you known where to go.

Second is remade exit grids as spatial scripts. This may work that way: when you enter, dialogue screen will appear with question where you want to go.

Most importand thing: script will simply check do you have in inventory needed amount of food and water to survive many days of travel.

Other thing is just how we need it realistic:
-check distance and different amounts needed/used
-you can risk to travel without food but that affect random domage
-random areas activate by script code

And something interesting:
Worldmap as item used from inventory. You can see areas (all must be highlighted) but cant travel here, only check places. Some blocks make that you can travel here but only check where you are, where are other areas and only exit from map. This blocks may be made like sea frontier but near every cities. Hardest thing is only: how activate worldmap from script hidden in map item. Maybe exist that procedure, must check it. Else should be possible.
Hmm, that sounds really cool. I was just thinking, when you're going to travel with too little food, wouldn't it be usefull if you "go search for food" ergo an encounter with animals, like Brahmin or rats and that you can get food from them when you kill them, like with the Gecko Skinning...
I think its possible to made something like that: when you enter to town, part from script Map_Enter will place in randomly selected areas some food: animals and plants. So when you decide leave this map, first should search supply or buy it.

Water can be taken from spring, first get empty bottle and use it on water source to fill. This may work on nukacola script (but changed) Automatic using it will work that script delete full bottle and place empty one in inventory.

When you enter to worldmap spatial script you may chose option to go in special areas "hunting grounds near town" this may be randomly selected map content randomly placed animals and plants.

Everything will be complicated in part: how get supply for travels. But this change game to more strategic- you must got own plan for world exploration. Wrong decisions will finish game like in battle.
So you trade in the world map, special and random encounters for a food system that wouldn't add in much fun except for food system fans? Hmm... much work for little improvement if you ask me.

Lich said:
-you can risk to travel without food but that affect random doomage

There, corrected your typo.
Probably its impossible to change one thing without others. Food can work only in worldmap so this part must be changed to it. Supply will be just cost of travelling and travel may depend on many things not only food but also clothes. Ofcourse that invent may just broke game but for sure give new style of play it.

Game may be changed fot strategic style, where you must count everything to win like Time, Energy, Distances
In realistic world you cant made everything you want, so when made many limitations: in result you get great RPG

This will increase fun from play only for truly RPG fans