mapper error


First time out of the vault
When I last saved my maps I got 'error saving objects in mapper'

Now when I try to open my maps it crashes to desktop.

I hope someone can help me out, I spent ages making my maps :cry:
Im using original artwork.

Last thing I remember adding was invisible scroll blockers, super stimpacks.

What is classified as objects in the mapper? items, walls, scenery?

My only option I guess would be to reinstall everything and load up the mapper fresh... fingers crossed it works.

What a pain in the ass. If I could just get some error message when the map crashes telling me what object is causing this :evil:

maybe dims old mapper could load the map?
The issue might be you added an inventory item to a critter that cannot use that item. It is better to build your maps in stages (incrementally), and place any items at the very end…wrong items have been known to screw the maps completely.

Try to download Dim’s Mapper here at NMA and see if it can open the fore mentioned maps, and remove any questionable items. Re installing won’t fix the maps – and remember to build the maps clean of critters and items – then save the files with a new name before adding the finishing touches… (Also beware – Dims Mapper is not 100% stable). :wink:
When I last saved my maps I got 'error saving objects in mapper'

To be honest, this sounds like a proto problem. Did you edited any proto file in mapper? Critters, items? You wrote above, that you didn't add anything, but maybe you have done this by accident?
Dims mapper loaded the map but the only thing that would show up was the tiles :roll:

No, I did not edit any protos.

Guess I have to learn the hard way :crazy: Never save your map and exit when it says error in red.

All that work down the dunny :tired:

I have no choice but to remake my maps again :puke: