Mega Man 9 & 10


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Just curious if other people are playing the newly released MM10, or the slightly older Mega Man 9.

I'm glad Capcom has been releasing these NES games in this day and age. I grew up with Mega Man 1 and 2, and love the difficulty of these games. It's nice to see some games don't simply hand-hold the gamer to the ending.
I've just recently been playing through Mega Man X2. Great games, although I really should give Mega Man X another go, and the one I have on my Game Gear, and that other one.... and that other one..... they're all great.
Mega Man 2 is one of my favorite games. it brings back so many childhood memories. hmm, those were the days...

it's been a while since I played any other Mega Man games, but from what I can recall Mega Man X was the best one after 2.
I finished mega men 1, 3, 7, 8, X, X4, X5 and X6. But it has been a looong time since I played seriously any of them.
My girlfriend has X2 on her home, but I can never defeat that Ostrich Men and I always give up when fighting him.
Last night I finished Mega Man 9 (Wiley's Castle was brutal) and now I begin my quest to beat MM10.

I've managed to beat mega man 1-9 now in my gaming travels... I love this series.
I've beaten every Mega Man game except X6 (plan on getting the X Collection at some point) so I plan on buying and beating 10 soon. The X series is better than the original and it's too bad that it died. MM9 was pretty good but the switch back to 8-bit doesn't add anything but a nostalgia factor (and probably lighter on the wallet). I'd like to see another X game with 2D graphics. X8 was a fine game but I just didn't think that it was as aesthetically pleasing as their games for the PlayStation. That said, I think that MegaMan games in general don't have the length to be $50 games for consoles anymore, something that I think factored into their decision to go where they have with the series.

Mega Man 9 had a good difficulty level but I still got through it pretty easily. I've played so many Mega Man games that only really hard platforming puzzles really offer a challenge for me. Rockman No Constancy was a pretty fun hack to play through.
I found MM9 to be a decently difficult game, and with the addition of the two harder difficulties, they'll press any MM fan to the limit of their ability.

The X series was OK, but I found them to be a lot easier than the core series.

I like Capcom going back to 8 bit, as the best Mega Man games were all done on the NES (MM2 & 3 were the best IMO). I MM 7 and 8 weren't that good, so I'm glad Capcom took the series back to its roots.
I refuse to buy any of their microtransaction crap as it's all overpriced. The X series was a little on the easy side but I felt that the gameplay was more evolved compared to the original games (except X7 which was crap). MM8 I think suffered from excessively long levels and 7 was just too easy. I liked Mega Man and Bass though, adding a second playable character is always interesting, even if he wasn't as different as Zero was to X (Axl is disposable).

I don't think that it has anything to do with the graphics or engine, I think it has everything to do with the level design and the fact that they have been skewing younger and easier.
I'm not a big fan of DLC either, but considering that mega man 9 and all the DLC costs less than $20, it's not bad at all.
rcorporon said:
I'm not a big fan of DLC either, but considering that mega man 9 and all the DLC costs less than $20, it's not bad at all.
Unfortunately if you buy all of the DLC it doubles the cost of the game. That's a big problem in my mind when you really aren't buying another game's worth of content. More playthroughs? Sure, but that's hardly the same as an entirely different game.
I look at it in terms of overall quality to me. I spent about $20 total on MM9, and I've certainly got $20 worth of game out of it. It's a lot better of a deal than some of the $69.99 games I've purchased.
I tried MM9 out at a friends place, and it reminded me of just how damn difficult the the first game was. I couldn't get past a single level in 9. I've beaten the first 5 NES games, but when I play them now on an emulator I can't understand how the hell I managed to beat Mega Man 1 on the NES... The bosses on the Wily levels are just insane (that cyclops guy for example, and the clone). It took me several tries with save states right outside the boss room, and if I screwed up on the NES back in the day, I'd have to go through the whole damn game again. I just don't have the patience for this anymore, but I still have fond memories of the NES games. And the music is completely awesome.
I just finished MM9 the other night, and am now making my way through 10.

The games are hard, but it all comes down to level memorization... like most 8 bit games.