Megamod 2,0 + 2.1 install query: is this supposed to happen?


First time out of the vault
the 2.0 with a 2.1 version update was all i could find on the NMA mods page so i got them. I followed the instructions to the letter, going as far as making not only the proto folder read-only but every single file inside critters and items as per written in the 2.1 readme file.

My problem here is that the ammo stacks have been reduced by half and the ammo itself costs huge prices. I remember 140 bozar ammo and 60 i think 12 gauge shells were 12k gold. Not only that but the bigger problem is that the shotgun shells stack at 10, the colt ammo stacks at 10 as well and the bozar ammo stacks at 20 + others. This results in a huge increase in carry weight. Before the bozar ammo stacked at 50 which meant 200 bullets were 8 pounds. Now 8 pounds are 80 bullets and 50 12 gauge shells weigh 15 pounds - what is up with that? is this supposed to be like this or its screwed up?

Also Im level 9 atm but klint has carry wight of 455 pounds and has 224 hp or something like that. Might be me being paranoid but in the 4 or 5 levels i had sulik with me i did not see him gain level.
Re: Megamod 2,0 + 2.1 install query: is this supposed to hap

The latest version is 2.33. You can find it at Fallout Modding Center. But, even this site has version 2.32. Whatever you do, DO NOT just add either 2.32 or 2.33 on top of your 2.1 game.

Regarding ammo, it was changed in the New Vision 1.2 mod. Your game is working correctly. Though, I might someday go back and change the weights that were assigned.

Klint has already been addressed... a lot. Enjoy him like this while you can... I'll change him eventually.
Well to put it mildly, this ammo change is absolutely retarded and void of any idea at all. How moronic do you have to be to alter the game in a way that will turn it into a drudgery inventory management fest??

Could someone tell me how can i modify this myself? I cannot bear all my ammo weighting from 2 to 3 times as much as normal. This wins my vote for being the epitome of idiotic ideas.
Perkyguy said:
Well to put it mildly, this ammo change is absolutely retarded and void of any idea at all. How moronic do you have to be to alter the game in a way that will turn it into a drudgery inventory management fest??... This wins my vote for being the epitome of idiotic ideas.

How very short-sighted and obtuse on your part. Try to see a bigger picture. I'm thinking that not changing the weights was an oversight. The intent was to just reduce the amount of ammunition in the game. However, even if keeping the weights the same was not an accident, then it still serves it's purpose by reducing how much ammo you can carry. The point of TeamX doing what they did was to make the game a little more challenging.

However, if you want to use the original numbers, all you have to do is identify which .pro files are for ammunition. Open the file pro_items.msg in data/text/English/game with Notepad. Note which numbers are for ammunition. So, for example only, if you see:
{21300}{7.62 ammo}
{21301}{7.62 ammo description.}

then the proto file for this ammo is
Once you have a list for ammunition, open up the data/proto/items folder. Delete those .pro files that you found for the ammo that you want to return to the original state.
You are quick to call me short-sighted. I can respect the idea that in a post-apocalypse world ammo would be scarce and hard to find. I can see how a mod that targets the issue of unrealistic abundance of ammunition would be a good addition to the game, but the way they chose to introduce it is, at best, retarded.
Turns out that instead of lowering the amount of ammo in the world, they limit the amount of ammo you can carry ( and by this, the amount of total carry weight your character has gets screwed up), while the ammo in itself remains in abundance. Its like burning your house to get rid of the cockroaches.

Thx for the help.
I get the point you're making. I played the New Vision mod and although the scarce ammo made conservation more important, making it weigh a ton more didn't help. If ammo was that scarce, you'd expect that would make it worthwile to carry round multiple guns so that you can use whatever bullets you can find. Instead you can still accumulate ammo from say, encounter looting, but it's carrying everything ELSE that takes a hit. Plus of course when you get the car, you can just carry a couple of clips and pick more out the trunk as soon as you run low.

IMO a better idea would be to up the encounter rate for tough melee foes and reduce the encounter rate for firearm-wielding enemies, especially any Merchants. This way:
Ammo is harder to acquire
It's not always a good idea to shoot at meleers, as you might run out of ammo before you can find any gunmen to loot.
Perkyguy said:
You are quick to call me short-sighted... I can see how a mod that targets the issue of unrealistic abundance of ammunition would be a good addition to the game, but the way they chose to introduce it is, at best, retarded.
Turns out that instead of lowering the amount of ammo in the world, they limit the amount of ammo you can carry ( and by this, the amount of total carry weight your character has gets screwed up), while the ammo in itself remains in abundance.

I made my judgement based off what you typed. You gotta admit: it sucks when people make snap decisions about others (or their work, for that matter). No, I had no part in the TeamX mod, but some of your comments about their work seemed to be... judged too quickly.
They changed the .pro files so that, when you kill an opponent and go to loot the corpse, you find 10 shotgun shells instead of 20. How is that not limiting the ammo you find in the game world?
Like I said before, even if they intended to leave the ammo weights the same, the end result is still that you are carrying less (because you have to carry other gear), which would still be like having less availability of ammunition in the game world. If you can't carry it around with you, what use is it? It might as well not be there.
Also, the mod doesn't just change the .pro files. It changes a number of maps with regards to the ammunition you might find initially in a shopkeeper's inventory.
Also changed are a number of the shopkeeper scripts, which dictate how much new inventory is generated (including ammo types and amounts).

But, as I said earlier:
MIB88 said:
Though, I might someday go back and change the weights that were assigned.
Just a matter of time before I get to it. There are lots of other things to fix.

(I didn't mention the script or map changes because it's not just a simple deletion to get everything back the way it was. If you start deleting certain scripts or maps, the originals would be used, but you will end up doing something to break the game. Those changes you are stuck with if you want to play the mod.)

Minigun Jim said:
IMO a better idea would be to up the encounter rate for tough melee foes and reduce the encounter rate for firearm-wielding enemies, especially any Merchants. This way:
Ammo is harder to acquire
It's not always a good idea to shoot at meleers, as you might run out of ammo before you can find any gunmen to loot.

This I like. Rather than just saying how 'retarded' something is, another possible solution is offered. I will see what I can do about also implementing this.
I figured that trying to reduce the biggest sources of ammo would be less unbalancing overall. I've always found that easily beatable encounters make ammo simple to find, especially "merchants fighting raiders"
1. Merchant charges with his Club.
2. His own guard SMGs/Miniguns him in the back for 80 dmg.
3. Guards prooced to wipe out the raiders and a few of each other for good measure.
4. The Chosen One takes out his Looting Shovel.
On an unrelated topic: When i install the megamod, do i need to have the game patched or the megamod does that as well?
I'd hate to make another topic regarding another issue I'm experiencing so I'm gonna use this one.

Ok, pretty vexing stuff going on with the henchman here. As i said earlier, they dont seem to level up. The fact is that they do level up, but as soon as i load a game they revert back to the statistics i initially got them with. For example, just now Sulik went from 85 hp to 123 or some, gained 2-3 AP and about 4 melee damage, which i assume is what he should normally have with a 14 or a 15 level character at the time. Then i saved my game and reloaded. Sulik once again had 85 hp, less ap and melee damage reverted back to 1-st level state.

Whats worse is that when i give any of the henchman STR enhancing armor, they get the bonus normally, but as soon as i load a game, they lose it with the armor still equipped. And when the armor is removed, they actually receive a penalty to STR.

The example is this: Cassidy has normal carry weight of 175, advanced power armor - bang - 275 carry weight. Save + load: Cassidy has 175 carry weight with armor equipped and 100 with armor removed. Yay.

Any way i could manually fix this too? It worked with the ammo.
