Megamod 2.42 and Mr Fixit


First time out of the vault
My recipes stop appearing after the second page, I know I have more, but it only shows the first two pages.

This is what it looks like HERE

I have the "Lesser Stimpack" recipe yet I can only go up to "Minor Stimpack" and it should be right after it, but I don't have a "Next" option.

Fresh install of Fallout 2, deleted patch file.
Installed Megamod 2.35.2 and 2.42 from Nirrans site.
Installed every additional addon from the site.
Set proto file to read only
Took the shaman path for the additional recipes.
I learned "Lesser Stimpack" before learning "Minor Stimpack", so I didn't learn them in the order that I am supposed to, if it matters or if it is even caused by that.
Have not run into any bugs whatsoever until this one. Need help!
that is a mrfixit bug,sometimes when the amount of recipies known are some odd number(i dont know the number exactly) that last recipie in test0.msg(would last in the list of known,in game) that is known wont be displayed,annoying,i spent about 4 hours once trying to figure out why the thing wouldnt show the recipie,when you learn an additional recipie it will display them all

Thanks, I was actually hoping that would be the case.

Hopefully the total number of learn-able recipes don't cause this to happen, as it would be impossible to learn another.
i always play with all of my mods,totaling about 50 recipies(tho i only learn about 35) and have never been stopped from learning one,or useing one(besides this bug),glad i could help

i took a look at the scripts for mrfixit,maybe i will find the cause *shrug* donno if i will be able to

If you have a save that has the bug present,please email me and i will send a script that may possibly have fixed the bug(no promisees) or could you please email me that save file?

edit : was able to duplicate the bug and confirm that my editing fixed it, was very simple,the bug was caused by too many lines of text on the last page,simply had to change a 7 to a 6,shown here
procedure display_items_avail
	variable LVar0 := 0;
	variable LVar1 := 0;
	call redraw_win_idle;
	cur_section_start := 500;
	if (cur_pos != 0) then begin
		sayOption(message_str(2, 106), list_back);
	while(LVar1 < cur_pos) do begin
		cur_gvar := atoim(message_str(2, cur_section_start + 4), "");
		if ((message_str(2, cur_section_start + 4) == "") or global_var(cur_gvar)) then begin
			LVar1 := LVar1 + 1;
		cur_section_start := cur_section_start + 25;
	while((LVar0 < 7) and (message_str(2, cur_section_start) != "Error") and (message_str(2, cur_section_start) == "[ITEM]")) do begin
		cur_pid := atoim(message_str(2, cur_section_start + 1), "");
		cur_gvar := atoim(message_str(2, cur_section_start + 4), "");
		if ((message_str(2, cur_section_start + 4) == "") or global_var(cur_gvar)) then begin
			call display_next_option(LVar0);
			LVar0 := LVar0 + 1;
		cur_section_start := cur_section_start + 25;
	if ((cur_pos + 6/*THIS_USED_TO_BE_7*/) < (items_avail - 1)) then begin
		sayOption(message_str(2, 105), list_next);
	if (items_avail == 0) then begin
		sayOption(message_str(2, 107), exit_mode);

from obj_dude script,i will ask MIB88 to include it in the next release
