megamod launch problem


First time out of the vault
hi U all , i have a little problem. Just installed the mega mod and when i try to launch the game i get the couldn't find/load text fonts , the game start's up when i copy the orginal master.dat , but it crashes often. Do U know how can i dale with this thing coz i really want to play this mod.
My instalation went as follows:
- installed Fallout 2 Humoungus
- copy the mega mod 2.35.1 to main fallout folder
- check the proto : items / critters files to read only
- run the runme.bat
- start the game using fallout2.exe

and then i got the "couldn't find/load text fonts"

anyone can help me ??
error loading text fonts is an error that happens when the game cant find master.dat,try re-installing

It's also possible that you are not using a english Fallout 2 version (i. e. german). In this case, you have to rename the english text folder into (i. e.) german.
i got an english version :D I mean , all the text is in english so I assume it's an english version ;] But i got a new question , is the master.dat after installing the mod supposed to have about 2 mb ??
The master.dat has to have around 500mb, else it's broken and explains your problem.
Vego said:
i got an english version :D I mean , all the text is in english so I assume it's an english version ;] But i got a new question , is the master.dat after installing the mod supposed to have about 2 mb ??

no something is wrong it should alot bigger,re-install the game,then install megamod,install the megamod patches too,the readme explains what has to be done with the bat files

edit : lex beat me !

but that master.dat ( the one that has 2 mb ) is in the folder that was created during extracting the 2.35.1 megamod archive , that i downloaded from this site , hmm ..... i download it again and check it up , thanx for the help ;]

Ok , so the bad master.dat was the problem. But now i got this error


it occurs after I create a char and after the TeamX video is finished it crashes.
Any idea how can i deal with it ??
Vego said:
it occurs after I create a char and after the TeamX video is finished it crashes.
Try to run the game in default 8-bit graphics mode.
If it will run, your DirectX9.0c is out of date - update it. (unfortunately, the MegaMod must be played in the DX9.0c graphics mode, due to included weather mod.)
Vego said:
and how can i run it in 8 bit mode ?? ;]

ddraw.ini search for

;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
;A dx9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported
