Uh, as a poster of both forums, I'd say I'm very much against it. I'm not trying to seem judicious or stuck-up because I know that you, Odin, and the other moderators are only trying to make the forums easier and I truly appreciate that.
But here are the reasons, mein leiter. First off, I'd say that Fan Fiction and Role Playing are entirely different things. Fan Fiction is a solo venture that sometimes have multiple chapters if you want to continue the story (but most of time, as in my case, stories will start off with "Chapter One: The Afterglow" and you'll never see Chapter Two). Role Playing, on the other hand, is joint writing with several key writers making up the story. I don't know about the other's, but I write in a completely different mindset depending on whether it is Fan Fiction or Role Playing.
I know this doesn't seem much of a distinction but it is. If you want something good to read that is constantly updated, go to the Role Playing forums. Fan Fiction is a place to go to read "serious" bits of novela. In my eyes, Role Playing Forums is an extension of Fan Fiction but an entirely different matter in itself.