Hi . This year I`ve heard at least 200 times Sinatra`s "Let it snow". I`m little sick of it, so I changed the lyrics. Merry Christmas you all!!!
"Let it Blow"
Oh the fallout outside is frightful.
But the vault is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let It Blow! Let It Snow! Let It Glow!
Radiation outside is rising
Power armors are good and shining.
The lights are turned way down low
Let It Blow! Let It Snow! Let It Glow!
When the Chosen One said: -Good night!
He will hate going out in the storm!
But the GECK he`ll hold very tight
His tribe at all cost must survive!
Humanity is slowly dying
Families are still goodbying.
But the Hope will always live on
Let It Blow! Let It Snow! Let It Glow!
"Let it Blow"
Oh the fallout outside is frightful.
But the vault is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let It Blow! Let It Snow! Let It Glow!
Radiation outside is rising
Power armors are good and shining.
The lights are turned way down low
Let It Blow! Let It Snow! Let It Glow!
When the Chosen One said: -Good night!
He will hate going out in the storm!
But the GECK he`ll hold very tight
His tribe at all cost must survive!
Humanity is slowly dying
Families are still goodbying.
But the Hope will always live on
Let It Blow! Let It Snow! Let It Glow!