Metal Gear Solid 2...

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I was browsing the net and I found the MGS2 website. What I saw there really frightened me.

Will Snake really have LONG HAIR?

One word = EEEEEEW.

I don't want the hero of the greatest game ever made (and yes, that includes Fallout) to turn into some eighties-hair Tom Cruise wannabe.

Can someone please confirm (or rather deny) this?
Off-topic, but...

Is MGS2 only for PS2? I saw some videos about it and I liked it a lot.

Anyway, if it's only for Playstation, I hope the emulators out there will do a fine work.

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Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
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RE: Off-topic, but...

>Unless you've upgraded your computer recently
>it's probably not a good
>idea to try a playstation
>emulator. They are really

Maybe. Allthough I've heard very good things about the Bleem! emulator. If my system could handle it I would definitely buy it.

"What could be better then a swan dive into the asphalt?"
RE: Off-topic, but...

Ï think MGS on PC would ruin the feel.

Now how about my question?
RE: Off-topic, but...

My system is an AMD K6-2 500 64MB PC100 RAM and a 16MB Voodoo Banshee card and the perfomance on bleem 1.5 is pathetic. It has issues with a few graphic cards and sound cards like mine. My friend also has poor performance with a PII-400 128MB RAM and a Voodoo 2 card.
RE: Off-topic, but...

-mgs in the pc is turning great by what i saw.
you can play it in first person for many periods,like in that version that only appeared in japan, and the graphics are great.
-mgs2 is only expected in the ps2, but msg also was going to be a ps only, and they`re doing a pc version, so...
-bleem works fine with many systems, but i had a banshee and it sucked. it`s something to do with that particular board, i guess( and savage4 also)
RE: Off-topic, but...

I currently have a P2 233 with 64mb and a GeForce 2 GTS (going to buy it on Monday).

I plan to upgrade the computer in december (I will get $3,000 from a inherit), so, maybe a 1.1Ghz Athlon with a GeForce 2 GTS and 192mb will do the work ;-)

Now, someone please answer Jim Bob's question!! :-)

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
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RE: Off-topic, but...

Ever heard of VPS (virtual playstation)? It's a program that allows you to put playstation-CD's in your computer and play them as if your computer is a playststion (or is that what all emulators do ?).
And if I'm notmistaken, the game will be brought out for the PC, so there's no need for fooling around with emulators.
RE: Off-topic, but...

>And if I'm notmistaken, the game
>will be brought out for
>the PC, so there's no
>need for fooling around with

huuu,that`s what i was talking about...
by the way, i also saw pics with him looking like tom cruise, read all playstation mags i have and didn`t find out if it`s only in the cut scenes or not.sorry
Every advertisement that I have seen for MGS2 "Sons of Liberty" shows Solid Snake sporting his long hairdo...if he looked like Liquid Snake, he would look cool but I have to agree with you, Snake with long hair looks...disturbing to say the least...Whom I really want to see is Solidus Snake. Such a master mind, is he a four-eyed, pencil-pusher, can't use a gun guy or is he just like Solid and Liquid BUT with a higher IQ (Solid Snake and Liquid Snake both sport 180 IQs).
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-01 AT 08:34AM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-01 AT 08:32 AM (GMT)

Every advertisement that I have seen for MGS2 "Sons of Liberty" shows Solid Snake sporting his long hairdo...if he looked like Liquid Snake, he would look cool but I have to agree with you, Snake with long hair looks...disturbing to say the least...Whom I really want to see is Solidus Snake. Such a master mind, is he a four-eyed, pencil-pusher, can't use a gun guy or is he just like Solid and Liquid BUT with a higher IQ (Solid Snake and Liquid Snake both sport 180-point IQs). Also, I downloaded a trailer of the game (kicks every action-game's butt twice) which shows him sneakin into some sort of Oil Tanker (no, no Fallout easter least that is what the ship looks like) and when he is going up the stairs, a gust of wind extends his hair, which he keeps around shoulder length...also, guess which characters are back...Otacon and our most loved, one-handed (after that little swipe of Grey Fox's katana), Colt revolver-toting Russian...YES, GENERAL IVAN (aka Revolver Ocelot). And for a final question, which of the MGS women do you consider most attractive (mine are Sniper Wolf/Naomi Hunter, Meryl, Nastasha and Mei Ling, the first ones are the most sexy and then its downhill from there)?
RE: Not just long hair, my friend...

I like mohawks ;} !!

But I agree about the mullet.... what moron thought of that one?????
It's hideous!!!!!!!!

//It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.