Ze official site for Metalheart : Replicants Rampage has had an update, with lots of new screenshots and art. The russian page has also been updated with more info on the races, but the english one is not updated yet.
One note-worthy page is the difference between "demo" and the latest build page, here's a snibblet:<blockquote>3. Texts and Dialogues
Some dialogues were not complete and were inserted raw to be updated later, thus many of them appeared to be almost unreadable. The main characters weren’t able to communicate with many NPCs. The interface inscriptions were also preliminary version. The English version was made by common developers and could thus look a bit lame .
The dialogues are totally rewritten and their structure now appears to be quite similar to what you got used to – a menu with several variants of answering. All the NPCs now have their own unique set of cues. Some logical discrepancy of the narrative and the corresponding dialogues are now fixed. All the texts are now being revised by professional translators.</blockquote>Good to hear, I'll wait for the release in January and judge for myself.
Link: Metalheart:RR
One note-worthy page is the difference between "demo" and the latest build page, here's a snibblet:<blockquote>3. Texts and Dialogues
Some dialogues were not complete and were inserted raw to be updated later, thus many of them appeared to be almost unreadable. The main characters weren’t able to communicate with many NPCs. The interface inscriptions were also preliminary version. The English version was made by common developers and could thus look a bit lame .
The dialogues are totally rewritten and their structure now appears to be quite similar to what you got used to – a menu with several variants of answering. All the NPCs now have their own unique set of cues. Some logical discrepancy of the narrative and the corresponding dialogues are now fixed. All the texts are now being revised by professional translators.</blockquote>Good to hear, I'll wait for the release in January and judge for myself.
Link: Metalheart:RR