Metzger and his guys come back to life + Killap mods


First time out of the vault
I play with Killap patch which works perfectly fine until now except that when I came back to the Den after Modoc to tell Karl about his farm, Metsger and all his guys I killed before happen to be alive again... I just killed them a second time but it's a bit of waste of time. Anyone knows this bug ? I wonder if it's because of the Killap mods I installed then remove:
- I read that Killap has mods to modify the appearance of the NPCs when they have an armor so I decide to install it (I copy and replace all the related *.int files in the scripts folder)
- I discover that in fact it changes also the global apperance of the NPC (Vic doesn't look like anymore like Vic) so I decide to replace the *.int files I installed by the ones of the Killap patch (the ones installed before I start the game)
- Impossible to load games anymore so I have to put back again the *.int files with the modified appearance

The question is: did I f***d up BIG ? And above all, can I remove the killap modified appearance *.int files with the original ones of his patch without bugging my saved games?

Many thanks to the guy who will read up to there and even more thanks to the one who will be keen enough to solve this problem!!