Metzger Animated Talking Head


Vault Senior Citizen
Sorry for so lot of topic at the same time, but i work now on a very important and amazing mod and have a lot of questions.

I have only a Portrait(Pic) of Metzger, adn need to animate him, is there a possibility? Or only the way Azrael did?


So is this the only way?

So whatever the fact is i need a Animated Talking Head.

1. Possibility: The Azrael way, but all the animation, like here not only the reaction changing. And more frames for smooth animations.
2. Possibility: Meaby the MR Team has still the 3d model of Cassidy's little skinhead :wink: So some changes like a scarface with one eye and a slaver sign on the forehead or something like this.

So here we go with the problem nr 2. i cannot do this, becasue my programm is a trial version without saving changes on the example heads. And for other Tools i did not have the skills.
Meaby some one is inrested to help me out, because i thing a lot of fo fans(modders all so) who will be glad to seen an animated Metzger who speaks to you, too (already done in german, in english WIP).

I alwasy liked Metzger and now i go to inprove him in my Metzger Mod.

And when nobody can/will help (i hope not so) so meaby explain to me the first way, Azrael made. I have already Pm him some days ago, but he not answer to me yet.

I like my version of Metzger (ok the head is too big for the shoulders i think^^) but i hope someone can realize an 3d model for him.

At this point i hope of the help of the guys from the Mutant Rising Team, becasue you have work already with some kind of this.

So is there a possibility to change the Cassidy TH?(I hope you have still the necessary files ) or *in my beagest dreams :wink: * even make a new Talking Head. Yeah i know that a lot of work, but I thing that isn't soooooooooo much work, you know :wink:

So what you thing about this guys? I will help where i can, i would make it by my own, but as i said i did not have much skills in 3d modeling. (I have tried times ago, but not with much sussess cause all the tutorials are for blender, and blender don't work om my machine)

Whatever i hope i/we can make my thoughts and reflections come true, cause it's my first post where i give me a big effort to try writing in correct english ^^ :bow:
Hey Mr. Wolna if you can send me the frames that are done I think I can do some stuff on this like speaking frames and eyeclosing and maybe even a litle head movement.
Thank you Jotisz for your engagement, but the first waylooks not so well as the second one, so i will first llok what the MR guys say to this.

And Azraels Animations i cannot use, because in the new Version of Metzger Mod, he wear a black Armor, and the size isn't corect, so first i have to make a new portrait.

Iam very happy that i found persons who will help me, like you, so let uns wait something, what other modders have to say :wink:

At the moment i dont have my PS Cd at home so i cannot edit the portrait, but whe there is not possibility to make the second step, so i will find a way to use PS again :)