Microsoft AntiSpyware removes Internet Explorer

Unintentionally, the heuristics of the software detected Internet Explorer as spyware, and removed the program from their systems.
That's not too far from the truth. :?
calculon00 said:
I don't think a representative for Microsoft would actually say that if it were real.
No, the representative would remain silent and the company would quickly proceed to file Patent 6845509: Arbitrary removal of web browser by anti-spyware utility.
calculon00 said:
"Tough shit," said Weatherbee.
I don't think a representative for Microsoft would actually say that if it were real.
True. One of the main points that make the story unbelievable.

WarMonger said:
i wish my antivirus program would remove IE from my compy... VIVA LA FIREFOX!!!!!
I hear ya! :) Prob is, AFAIK IE cannot be removed from WinXP...
Shadowbird said:
Prob is, AFAIK IE cannot be removed from WinXP...

yeah, it is hardcoded into the system.
the only thing you can do is remove the links to it...
Nonetheless, I wouldn't want to see IE removed, because I still use it for e-banking (my stupid bank still hasn't developed support for Firefox).
Ratty said:
Nonetheless, I wouldn't want to see IE removed, because I still use it for e-banking (my stupid bank still hasn't developed support for Firefox).

Hah-hah! Mine does. I only use MSIE for crappy websites which don't work in Mozilla or Lynx but which I have to read.
Ashmo said:
Hah-hah! Mine does. I only use MSIE for crappy websites which don't work in Mozilla or Lynx but which I have to read.

I only use IE for displaying Media Player files cause I'm running Win98 and Firefox only supports Media Player 10 AFAIK.
Except this there simply are no sites which didn't work in Firefox (or I just haven't disovered them yet).