Might be bad taste...

Imagine what that air must've done to that man's lungs.
Wooz said:
Imagine what that air must've done to that man's lungs.

You think that's air you're breathing now?

(nothing worse than living for 20 yrs with my ma' under 1 roof)
Wooz said:
Imagine what that air must've done to that man's lungs.

and the rest of his families lungs... :(

the picture is superb though. very kodak moment
Yes, Jarno. National Geographic photographers all do their work pasting bits of things in Photoshop, well known fact.

Wooz said:
Yes, Jarno. National Geographic photographers all do their work pasting bits of things in Photoshop, well known fact.


No, no, no, only those who are Jewish ...
