Military Base


Vault Senior Citizen
Hey i'm currently replaying FO1 and wondered if you can get military base on your map by talking or some computer. I don't now how I figured out the first time. I probely wandered across the dessert and found it then.

I know that you get hints that there is some kind base In the dessert but i never got the actual location. Is there some way to get it ?
you can get it from a computer near the master

also in the glow i think (if you go deep enough) although i'm not sure

several people (like harold) point you in the right direction but it wont get displayed on the map i think...

anyhow, it's damn easy to find on the map anyway...
SuAside said:
you can get it from a computer near the master

also in the glow i think (if you go deep enough) although i'm not sure

several people (like harold) point you in the right direction but it wont get displayed on the map i think...

anyhow, it's damn easy to find on the map anyway...

true. it is easy to find with all the info you get.

I've been in the glow. it does mention the base but it doesn't give you the location.

So you only get it from from the computer near the master huh.
Well then I guess I need to make an appointment with him.
Ok thanks for the help
Zax (super computer in the glow) was talking to me about the military base, non-stop. He mentioned it being in the north west which for me was odd, since most of my characters got the classified information message. I think he may have put it on my map, but i had already taken out the military base before I ventured into the glow.