Saw This last night and thought.
followed by-
"Oh is the US fucked now."
Followed by....
"Man are the Chinese going to beat the shit out of us.... "
Followed by...
"Maybe its time ot move to Europe. Because there's no way I got the patience for these assholes."
I mean.... this is what happens when you coddle children.
Seriously, the past 8 years of teaching has shown a progressive decline in student quality and work. My wife has law students working for her that can't write a decent letter.
(She, by the way, disagrees with me. She things this is great. But then she's a child of a decent Brazilian middle class- and that's a class that seriously spoils its kids).
As I see it, the only way we can avoid this in the US is -
(1) More immigrants- Got to increase competition for employment to make people work for it.
(2) Draft- send these kids to war and teach them some backbone.
On the positive side- if you have a decent work ethic, you can probably do well. It's all the other incompetents you got to watch out for.
Or maybe I'm just a bitter early X-Gen.
I expect that in a few years I'll be a grumpy old fuck.
(Note, I realize that my pessimism might upset or insult some of you youngsters to which I must say, with some sense of apology, as a soon to be grouchy old fucker... "go fuck yourselves, you little punks." )
The "Millennials" Are Coming
Morley Safer On The New Generation Of American Workers
(CBS) This story was originally broadcast on Nov. 11, 2007. It was updated on May 23, 2008.
It's graduation time and once again we say "Stand back all bosses!" A new breed of American worker is about to attack everything you hold sacred: from giving orders, to your starched white shirt and tie. They are called, among other things, "millennials." There are about 80 million of them, born between 1980 and 1995, and they're rapidly taking over from the baby boomers who are now pushing 60.
They were raised by doting parents who told them they are special, played in little leagues with no winners or losers, or all winners. They are laden with trophies just for participating and they think your business-as-usual ethic is for the birds. And if you persist in the belief you can, take your job and shove it.
followed by-
"Oh is the US fucked now."
Followed by....
"Man are the Chinese going to beat the shit out of us.... "
Followed by...
"Maybe its time ot move to Europe. Because there's no way I got the patience for these assholes."
I mean.... this is what happens when you coddle children.
Seriously, the past 8 years of teaching has shown a progressive decline in student quality and work. My wife has law students working for her that can't write a decent letter.
(She, by the way, disagrees with me. She things this is great. But then she's a child of a decent Brazilian middle class- and that's a class that seriously spoils its kids).
As I see it, the only way we can avoid this in the US is -
(1) More immigrants- Got to increase competition for employment to make people work for it.
(2) Draft- send these kids to war and teach them some backbone.
On the positive side- if you have a decent work ethic, you can probably do well. It's all the other incompetents you got to watch out for.
Or maybe I'm just a bitter early X-Gen.
I expect that in a few years I'll be a grumpy old fuck.
(Note, I realize that my pessimism might upset or insult some of you youngsters to which I must say, with some sense of apology, as a soon to be grouchy old fucker... "go fuck yourselves, you little punks." )