Miria latest version MOD, is there a way to let her wait?

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baby ghoul

First time out of the vault
I playing 4 mods simultaneously now through the MOD RUNNER, because FAME doesn't work under XP. The mods are Verti bird (russian on english), Miria level up + interaction (that doesn't seem to work), mysterious stranger, cult of personality, loot armour and lets not forget patch 1.05.

The problem is that I cannot see the beauty of the vertybird MOD (no bugs of crushes till now and so on) without infiltrate myself into the Navarro base like a recruit, because I cannot ged rid of that nasty,but good combat bitch even for a damn second :x . While in description of the Miria mod appears : last bug fixed - you can live Miria to wait.

I will write an email to developer of that Miria MOD, but first I would like some to ask for some suggestions, may be some one who experienced this mod, besides there are no values in PARTY.TXT that, decide if an NPC is "leavable"or not...

Please help, because there is even no logic that you cannot convince your loving wife to wait a second if you have to go pipi... :cry:
I have tried the Miria mod and the wait function works fine; the problem is you are trying to run 4 different mods resulting in elements from one conflicting with the others. While making all these mods compatible with each other is possible, it would be a real pain; you would have to edit list files, scripts, maps, and prototypes to succesfully incorporate everything together.
2 parts of Miria mod

thanks, I'll see which one is conflicting.
By the way, the Miria MOD exists in 2 parts - "interaction, dialogues" and "leveling up" part. It doesn't really clear in the readme of that mod, if those parts are compatible with each other. I checked and found out that "dialogue" part doesn't work, but that probably because of the VertiBird MOD itself.

Is there a topic that relates to mods compatibility problems?
Yep, it seems the best ways to use the mods is to extract them right to proper directories. First of all FAME doesn't work under XP, while MOD runner doesn't work if file patch000.dat is absent and at last there is no program that can make a valid , but empty patch000.dat file for the mod runner to use it ( I ask myself what for? because it creates temp000.dat or something).

I have another question : if the hierarchy "patch000.dat - data folder - master.dat" applies, does the 1.05 patch extracted in data folder interfear with original 1.02 patch000.dat? Or the patch000.dat should be removed from fallout2 directory to ensure 1.05 patch works correctly?
So that what seems to happen : VertiBird mod is in dat file so it rewrites some files in data dir, that's why even update 1.5 didn't work correctly.
But I extracted Miria mod and it didn't replaced any files from update 1.05 so I assume this mod is fully compatible with 1.05 version. All other mods mentioned in this topic had the same files as 1.05 update, so I left them unreplaced and I assumed they would cause bugs, while some of them still could be adopted for 1.05.
BTW Celestial could you tell me if there is a topic where compatibility of 1.05 version with some mods is being discussed?
The Cult of Personality MOD is not compatible with the Vertibird MOD or the Lootable Armors MOD since they attempt to modify the same scripts in different ways. The only MOD that I know of that is compatible with the Lootable Armors MOD is the Infinite Party Members MOD.
thanx .

BTW some mods you can apply on old save games without restarting the game. I think Miria, cult of personality are such mods (car skins also).
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