Misleading Lands screenies


Carbon Dated and Proud
We got a tips (remember to include your nick/name next time) that there were two new screenshots of an upcoming UT2004 mod called Misleading Lands (as I cannot read French that good I cannot tell you what it's about).

They also plan on making a video for the introduction of the game, which will be a cutscene made with the UT engine.

Link: Nuka Cola
It was me who send the tips (I forgot to mention my name I don't know why).

Misleading lands is a first/third person rpg with a gameplay similar to Deus Ex (only for the gameplay, the all game is very close to Fallout with a SPECIAL system for the player). The project started in june 2003 but they are using the Unreal Engine 2.0 only since december 2004. Now they are working very quickly (the team is composed of 21 guys).

They plan to release a video soon.

Oh and its Nukacola in one word ^^

(and sorry for my strange english)